* ZUMA DOGG ON TIME WARNER TONIGHT: 8pm on all Public Access Channels! [The HEAT!]
* ZD REVIEWS THE REVIEW COMMISSION: ZD recaps his 912 Commission trip on YouTube. Click here for video
* MAYOR SAM just checked in on the Z-phone to say he sees the "RE-CALL JACK WEISS" signs up in Sherman Oaks. And he says the signs look professional as hell, y'all...that means they got mad money behind the effort, on the realest, dough!
* SW MUSEUM/AUTRY EXPANSTION ("Improvements") EIR: YOUR Public Input is requested
Your Draft EIR comments due 6/28/2007...
City of Los Angeles
Department of Recreation and Parks
Notice of Preparation and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
Project Name: The Autry National Center Improvements
Project Address: 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Community Plan Area: Hollywood Community Plan
Council District: 4
Comment Due Date: June 28th, 2007
Click here for the whole memo
BOYLE HEIGHTS NC IS NOT DECERTIFIED AND IS NOT GOING TO BE DECERTIFIED: Some say Huizar & Cahootians purposefully miss quorums to prevent action and new "non-cahootian" members from being voted and sworn in. However, it could be confusing BH NC by laws and un-organization that is the problem:
Click here for possible DONE recommendations
VILLARAIGOSA'S NEW APPOINTEE "CZAR" CARR: YIKES! ZD isn't letting the cat out of the bag when I reveal Jeff Carr served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff for Sojourners. And based on a simple internet search on the ZumaTimes.com, I was shocked to see this group has been described as a (and I shudder to say) Marxist, communist philosphy-based organization. Read all the hideous details at Clinton For President Blog. And if all of this comes out so easily, with a ZD Search Engine search...Villaraiogsa MUST know it would all come out. So it looks like the mayor kinda had to go along with this appointment. Cause one of the bloggers had a perceptive comment. Carr is a bigger fish with more political power than mere Mayor Antonio. It's the whole WCVI crew of Villar/Nunez/DeLeon/Cedillo/Aguilar/A. Gonzalez/WCVI/et al. And under WCVI, the non-profit can spend as much money flying any elected official he wants, anywhere in the world, for business under the guise of "education". ("Yeah, gotta fly some politicians out of the country, to show them some interesting "education" related things!") Meanwhile, no campaign lobby reform laws. Go to the blog link and read the top couple threads.
And remember, tune in tonight at 8pm on your Time Warner Public Access Channel.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
CM Alarcon and Council Want to Change the Poverty Level and Twist All '08 Presidential Candidates To Agree, or Adios Latinos!
CM Alarcon...bro, if you wanna "end" poverty, this isn't gonna make the challenge any easier. But now, City Council wants to twist ALL Presidential candidates into agreeing to raise the poverty level, or else Alarcon and his political allies will throw that "Power of Latino Vote" stuff in your face. Man this guy Alarcon is in office two seconds, and he's off to the races like an Olympic runner on steriods with all his fantastic legislation that will tax any middle class left in the City into the poverty levels he's fighting to raise. HEY...HOW ABOUT A "LIQUID WASTE COLLECTION TAX" ON YOUR CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS EVERYTIME YOU TAX THE F*CK OUT OF EVERYONE ELSE!
WHEREAS, 4.8 millon Californians, or 13.3 percent of the state population, have income levels below the Federal Poverty Level threshold, which is $20,650 for a family of four;
and WHEREAS, the Federal Poverty Level was originally developed in 1963 by Molle Orshansky of the Social Security Administration. Orshansky took the dollar costs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's economy food plan for families of three or more persons and multiplied the costs by a factor of three;
and WHEREAS, the Federal Poverty Level does not take into account regional differences in the cost of living, including factoring in the regional cost of housing, child care, food, health care, transportation, miscellaneous other costs and taxes;
CLICK "READ MORE" FOR A WHOLE LOT MORE "WHEREAS-ES". How about, whereas you are the ones who created this problem by ignoring the issue, and through your housing policy and taxes that have caused rates to skyrocket, and all the high-paying jobs to leave, YOU BIG DUMMIES!!!
and WHEREAS, the Self-Sufficiency Index, an alternate form of calculating the levels of povert in a region, does take into consideration these additional factors, as well as fluctuating according to the number of and age of children in the family;
and WHEREAS, according to the Self-Suffciency Index, a family of four in Los Angeles needs to earn at least $54,000 to be "self-sufficient," which means making enough money to cover basic needs;
and WHEREAS, in the City of Los Angeles, one out of three families does not make enough money to be self-suffcient;
and WHEREAS, according to the Tax Foundation, for every $1.00 that the state of California and California taxpayers send to the Federal government, only 78 cents are returned to California from the Federal government;
and WHEREAS, changing the formula of how povert is calculated from the current Federal Poverty Guidelines to a regionally-based formula, such as the Self-Sufficiency Index, would allow the State of California to increase the amount of Federal funds that come to the state, county and local programs and would bring in a more fair share of funds to the state;
and WHEREAS, the issues affecting the State or'California are often ignored during national debates, but candidates are not shy about raising money in our state; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2007 the Democratic candidates for President of the United States wil be meeting in Los Angeles to debate issue, and on January 30, 2008 the Republican candidates for President ofthe United States will be meeting in Los Angeles to debate issues;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Los Angeles supports changing the
guidelines for determining povert from the antiquated "Federal Poverty Guidelines" to a formula that takes into account regional differences in cost of living, such as the Self-Suffciency Standard;
and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Los Angeles requests that each one of the candidates running in the 2008 Presidential Primary go on record as to whether or not they support updating the Federal Poverty Guidelines and invites the candidates to address the L6¡ Angeles City Council's Ad Hoc Committee on Ending Povert in Los Angeles on issues of poverty int the city of Los Angeles, state of California and the United States as a whole.
Herb Wesson
Some other CM who's signature I couldn't read (psycho handwriting)
NEW: ZumaTimes.com
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
WHEREAS, 4.8 millon Californians, or 13.3 percent of the state population, have income levels below the Federal Poverty Level threshold, which is $20,650 for a family of four;
and WHEREAS, the Federal Poverty Level was originally developed in 1963 by Molle Orshansky of the Social Security Administration. Orshansky took the dollar costs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's economy food plan for families of three or more persons and multiplied the costs by a factor of three;
and WHEREAS, the Federal Poverty Level does not take into account regional differences in the cost of living, including factoring in the regional cost of housing, child care, food, health care, transportation, miscellaneous other costs and taxes;
CLICK "READ MORE" FOR A WHOLE LOT MORE "WHEREAS-ES". How about, whereas you are the ones who created this problem by ignoring the issue, and through your housing policy and taxes that have caused rates to skyrocket, and all the high-paying jobs to leave, YOU BIG DUMMIES!!!
and WHEREAS, the Self-Sufficiency Index, an alternate form of calculating the levels of povert in a region, does take into consideration these additional factors, as well as fluctuating according to the number of and age of children in the family;
and WHEREAS, according to the Self-Suffciency Index, a family of four in Los Angeles needs to earn at least $54,000 to be "self-sufficient," which means making enough money to cover basic needs;
and WHEREAS, in the City of Los Angeles, one out of three families does not make enough money to be self-suffcient;
and WHEREAS, according to the Tax Foundation, for every $1.00 that the state of California and California taxpayers send to the Federal government, only 78 cents are returned to California from the Federal government;
and WHEREAS, changing the formula of how povert is calculated from the current Federal Poverty Guidelines to a regionally-based formula, such as the Self-Sufficiency Index, would allow the State of California to increase the amount of Federal funds that come to the state, county and local programs and would bring in a more fair share of funds to the state;
and WHEREAS, the issues affecting the State or'California are often ignored during national debates, but candidates are not shy about raising money in our state; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2007 the Democratic candidates for President of the United States wil be meeting in Los Angeles to debate issue, and on January 30, 2008 the Republican candidates for President ofthe United States will be meeting in Los Angeles to debate issues;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Los Angeles supports changing the
guidelines for determining povert from the antiquated "Federal Poverty Guidelines" to a formula that takes into account regional differences in cost of living, such as the Self-Suffciency Standard;
and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Los Angeles requests that each one of the candidates running in the 2008 Presidential Primary go on record as to whether or not they support updating the Federal Poverty Guidelines and invites the candidates to address the L6¡ Angeles City Council's Ad Hoc Committee on Ending Povert in Los Angeles on issues of poverty int the city of Los Angeles, state of California and the United States as a whole.
Herb Wesson
Some other CM who's signature I couldn't read (psycho handwriting)
NEW: ZumaTimes.com
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Smoke a Joint and Show Up To the PLANNING CONMISSION'S "JOINT MEETING" (You Need To Be Stoned To Deal With These People!)
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 2007, after 4:30 P.M.
Joyce Foster, President Jane Ellison Usher, President
Sean Burton, Vice President Diego Cardoso, Conmissioner
Marianne P. Brown, Commissioner Regina Freer, Conmissioner
Glenda E. Martinez, Commissioner Cindy MontaƱez, Commissioner [I'll show up, just for her, y'all-yeah, yeah. Can't believe I'm stuck looking at Alarcon, instead, no-no.]
Dr. David O. Washington, Conmissioner Michael Woo, Conmissioner
James Williams, Conmission Executive Assistant
"Do Real Planning" [Thanks for admitting that you are NOT!]
Presented by members of the Los Angeles City Planning Conmission [Who represent their "conhootients" on various City agencies, like Neighborhood Council and 912 Review Conmission]
The West Los Angeles Area Planning Conmission has invited the City Planning Conmission to give its presentation on “Do Real Planning”, a 14-point land use planning policy [Ha! That copied Deming's 14 Points...it's not about the magic number 14], which the Commission spent 18 months studying. [While the streets became more crowded with new homeless, and others had to leave the City.] We, like the City Planning Conmission, have been energized in this assignment by the Mayor [so you know this is a big scam], our new Planning Director [sent to do his dirty work], and by you. [The people who contribute the tax money for the City's "UN-REAL" density schemes that Villaragoza has been "planning" since his USC "After Sprawl" report/precursor to his new racket, ("Dumb") "Smart Density".]
Like you, we have been struck [no, you are paid politicains, who are not at risk of gentrification caused by the eminent domain steamroll you just approved yesterday, you shady bunch of "going straight to hell" mutherfu*cker/enjoy the robbery and it's financial rewards off the people who elected you to represent them, now -- you backstabbing, compuslive actual theives] by the absence of shared principles [absent of principals -- now you're talking] that guide both planning decisions and the many companion decisions generated elsewhere in City Hall. [Heeeeel yeaaaaaaaaah!]
Both the West Los Angeles Area Planning Conmission and the City Planning Commission are eager to have you participate in the conversation after the presentation. [SO they can go behind their closed doors and do whatever the hell (which is where they are all going) they want, anyway. And just claim eminence over THEIR domain.] The presentation will conclude in under an hour and will be followed by a question and answer session. [You ask the questions, they dodge the answers.
Ask them about loopholes, cronieism, Bradley/E.B.E., CM staffers on NC board and 912 Commission, and how Planning project "expiditors" and people who represent developers like Metro LA, and activist developer coalitions like PROH-LA not only sit on Glassell Park NC board as Chair and Members, but appear before other NC Councils for project approvals, and NC members vote in more than one NC, and nine year olds, and school kids vote in NC elections for elected NC boards (a City agency, under the Brown Act) who in turn fast-track/"expidite" these projects with Councilmembers who sit on the Planning Committes. So if you want to talk about "Real Planning", you have to get real about that, first. I mean, how many more times can ZD sit in these meetings and hear the Planning commissioners say, "Well...RELUCTANTLY, we'll approve this EIR/Zoning disaster, just once, since it's a close call. Thank you." ENOUGH WITH THE "RELUCTANTLY ONE MORE TIME!" THAT ONLY WORKS THE FIRST HUNDRED TIMES!]
For further information contact James Williams, Commission Executive Assistant at 213-978-1295.
An Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer [Yes, I would certainly say not paying city workers with checks that they have to cash with identification, allowing anyone from the planet, to fly to LA, and be making money working for the city the next day, and the city doesn't have to know who they are, or anything about them, it appears certainly is "equal" and "affirmative" action.
PERSONALLY, I LOVE IT!!! YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GUY WHO LIKE TO SELL THINGS ON VENICE, AND I LIVE IN MY VAN, AND MY ONLY BANK ACCOUNT IS MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT. AND I DIDN'T NEED ID FOR THAT...So I'm not complaining...just reporting it..cause no one else seems to have covered it. I'll check the LAzy Times and Daily News again.
ANYWAY...MAKE PRINT OUTS OF ALL THE ZD STORIES ON PLANNING (type "zuma-density" and "zuma-glassell") in mayor sam blog search for all the articles), then head down to this Joint Planning Commission Meeting and start doing some reading, during public comment, or question and answer, or tea and crumpett time.
NEW: www.zumatimes.com for all ZD articles
click this, if that link isn't active, yet.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 2007, after 4:30 P.M.
Joyce Foster, President Jane Ellison Usher, President
Sean Burton, Vice President Diego Cardoso, Conmissioner
Marianne P. Brown, Commissioner Regina Freer, Conmissioner
Glenda E. Martinez, Commissioner Cindy MontaƱez, Commissioner [I'll show up, just for her, y'all-yeah, yeah. Can't believe I'm stuck looking at Alarcon, instead, no-no.]
Dr. David O. Washington, Conmissioner Michael Woo, Conmissioner
James Williams, Conmission Executive Assistant
"Do Real Planning" [Thanks for admitting that you are NOT!]
Presented by members of the Los Angeles City Planning Conmission [Who represent their "conhootients" on various City agencies, like Neighborhood Council and 912 Review Conmission]
The West Los Angeles Area Planning Conmission has invited the City Planning Conmission to give its presentation on “Do Real Planning”, a 14-point land use planning policy [Ha! That copied Deming's 14 Points...it's not about the magic number 14], which the Commission spent 18 months studying. [While the streets became more crowded with new homeless, and others had to leave the City.] We, like the City Planning Conmission, have been energized in this assignment by the Mayor [so you know this is a big scam], our new Planning Director [sent to do his dirty work], and by you. [The people who contribute the tax money for the City's "UN-REAL" density schemes that Villaragoza has been "planning" since his USC "After Sprawl" report/precursor to his new racket, ("Dumb") "Smart Density".]
Like you, we have been struck [no, you are paid politicains, who are not at risk of gentrification caused by the eminent domain steamroll you just approved yesterday, you shady bunch of "going straight to hell" mutherfu*cker/enjoy the robbery and it's financial rewards off the people who elected you to represent them, now -- you backstabbing, compuslive actual theives] by the absence of shared principles [absent of principals -- now you're talking] that guide both planning decisions and the many companion decisions generated elsewhere in City Hall. [Heeeeel yeaaaaaaaaah!]
Both the West Los Angeles Area Planning Conmission and the City Planning Commission are eager to have you participate in the conversation after the presentation. [SO they can go behind their closed doors and do whatever the hell (which is where they are all going) they want, anyway. And just claim eminence over THEIR domain.] The presentation will conclude in under an hour and will be followed by a question and answer session. [You ask the questions, they dodge the answers.
Ask them about loopholes, cronieism, Bradley/E.B.E., CM staffers on NC board and 912 Commission, and how Planning project "expiditors" and people who represent developers like Metro LA, and activist developer coalitions like PROH-LA not only sit on Glassell Park NC board as Chair and Members, but appear before other NC Councils for project approvals, and NC members vote in more than one NC, and nine year olds, and school kids vote in NC elections for elected NC boards (a City agency, under the Brown Act) who in turn fast-track/"expidite" these projects with Councilmembers who sit on the Planning Committes. So if you want to talk about "Real Planning", you have to get real about that, first. I mean, how many more times can ZD sit in these meetings and hear the Planning commissioners say, "Well...RELUCTANTLY, we'll approve this EIR/Zoning disaster, just once, since it's a close call. Thank you." ENOUGH WITH THE "RELUCTANTLY ONE MORE TIME!" THAT ONLY WORKS THE FIRST HUNDRED TIMES!]
For further information contact James Williams, Commission Executive Assistant at 213-978-1295.
An Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer [Yes, I would certainly say not paying city workers with checks that they have to cash with identification, allowing anyone from the planet, to fly to LA, and be making money working for the city the next day, and the city doesn't have to know who they are, or anything about them, it appears certainly is "equal" and "affirmative" action.
PERSONALLY, I LOVE IT!!! YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GUY WHO LIKE TO SELL THINGS ON VENICE, AND I LIVE IN MY VAN, AND MY ONLY BANK ACCOUNT IS MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT. AND I DIDN'T NEED ID FOR THAT...So I'm not complaining...just reporting it..cause no one else seems to have covered it. I'll check the LAzy Times and Daily News again.
ANYWAY...MAKE PRINT OUTS OF ALL THE ZD STORIES ON PLANNING (type "zuma-density" and "zuma-glassell") in mayor sam blog search for all the articles), then head down to this Joint Planning Commission Meeting and start doing some reading, during public comment, or question and answer, or tea and crumpett time.
NEW: www.zumatimes.com for all ZD articles
click this, if that link isn't active, yet.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
EMINENT DOMAIN COMES TEARING THROUGH LOS ANGELES: Get Ready For Building & Safety To Find Everything Wrong With Your Home, Then They Can Claim It
A new State Eminent Domain law went into effect this year, requiring the City to lay out it's ED plans for the future, before you can start claiming. Here's the plan from today's agenda, item 12. A lot of the City ED has expired and the CRA will have to pass some amendment in each of these areas. But here's one area with the most extensive ED plan: [Read my comments in bracks and comment.]
Except as specifically exempted in the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency may acquire, but is not required to acquire, any real property located in the Project area by eminent domain or any other means authorized by law.
It is in the public interest and is necessary, in order to eliminate the conditions requiring redevelopment, [in order to gentrify] and in order to execute the Redevelopment Plan, for the power of eminent domain to be employed by the Agency to acquire real property in the Project Area, subject to the limitations set forth in the Redevelopment Plan. The Agency shall make every reasonable effort to acquire real property by negotiation. [Reasonable, like here's a crappy deal. Don't want it? Sorry, taking it anyway.]
Prior to acquiring real property by eminent domain, the Agency shall seek the review and recommendation of the PAC. [Seek the review and recommendation? First of all, PAC doesn't have to deliver a recommendation, the Agency just has to "seek" it. Secondly, if there is a report, who cares? it doesn't say they have to "follow" the recommendation.]
The Agency is authorized to acquire structures without acquiring the land upon which these structures are located. [If they just need some open space, they can take your home, but not pay you for the property.] The Agency is also authorized to acquire any other interest in property less than a fee. [Plus, anything else related. LESS THAN A FEE? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN...SOUNDS LIKE "WITHOUT" PAYING.]
Exemptions and Limitations:
The Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any real property on which any person legally resides and which is legally and exclusively being used for residential purposes. [Get ready for the inspections. Better have at least one legal resident living in homes with illegals, otherwise they can take the home. Also, better not be having those illegals living in your garage -- or too many people living in a home, in general; and if you are renting, it's commercial, y'all!!! These are some of the "read between the lines" I am reading. Any merit?]
The Agency shall not exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire any parcel of real property within the Project Area for which proceedings in eminent domain have not commenced within twelve (12) years after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan on March 30, 1999, by Ordinance No. 172,514, ending the period within which eminent domain may be used on March 30, 2011. This time limitation may be extended only by amendment of the Redevelopment Plan. [Great. So they'll extend it!?!?! Who's going to stop them?]
The Agency is not authorized by law to acquire real property owned by public bodies which do not consent to such acquisition. Without the consent of an owner, the Agency shall not acquire any real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use unless such building requires structural alteration, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standards, restrictions and controls of the Redevelopment Plan and the owner fails or refuses to agree to participate in the Redevelopment Plan by executing a participation agreement.
[OK, that's the most scary part!!! Basically looks to ZD, like they are saying, all they have to do is start walking around the neighborhood and start saying, "You need some structural alteration...you need some improvement modernization...you need some rehabilitation...you require some site modification...you can't use it for that anymore...and if you "refuse" (how about can't afford) to agree "particpate" by executing an agreement. [Sounds like that means, "or if you don't agree to go along, we can take it, anyway."]
I DON'T KNOW...MAYBE I'M READING TOO MUCH INTO THINGS, BUT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE CITY'S "EMINENT DOMAIN" PLAN FOR EAST ADALANTE LOOKS LIKE IT SAYS, "We can trip you up, just about any way we feel like it, and if not, we can just take it anyway."
post an comment here, and it will email it to me, or contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Zuma Dogg
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
A new State Eminent Domain law went into effect this year, requiring the City to lay out it's ED plans for the future, before you can start claiming. Here's the plan from today's agenda, item 12. A lot of the City ED has expired and the CRA will have to pass some amendment in each of these areas. But here's one area with the most extensive ED plan: [Read my comments in bracks and comment.]
Except as specifically exempted in the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency may acquire, but is not required to acquire, any real property located in the Project area by eminent domain or any other means authorized by law.
It is in the public interest and is necessary, in order to eliminate the conditions requiring redevelopment, [in order to gentrify] and in order to execute the Redevelopment Plan, for the power of eminent domain to be employed by the Agency to acquire real property in the Project Area, subject to the limitations set forth in the Redevelopment Plan. The Agency shall make every reasonable effort to acquire real property by negotiation. [Reasonable, like here's a crappy deal. Don't want it? Sorry, taking it anyway.]
Prior to acquiring real property by eminent domain, the Agency shall seek the review and recommendation of the PAC. [Seek the review and recommendation? First of all, PAC doesn't have to deliver a recommendation, the Agency just has to "seek" it. Secondly, if there is a report, who cares? it doesn't say they have to "follow" the recommendation.]
The Agency is authorized to acquire structures without acquiring the land upon which these structures are located. [If they just need some open space, they can take your home, but not pay you for the property.] The Agency is also authorized to acquire any other interest in property less than a fee. [Plus, anything else related. LESS THAN A FEE? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN...SOUNDS LIKE "WITHOUT" PAYING.]
Exemptions and Limitations:
The Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any real property on which any person legally resides and which is legally and exclusively being used for residential purposes. [Get ready for the inspections. Better have at least one legal resident living in homes with illegals, otherwise they can take the home. Also, better not be having those illegals living in your garage -- or too many people living in a home, in general; and if you are renting, it's commercial, y'all!!! These are some of the "read between the lines" I am reading. Any merit?]
The Agency shall not exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire any parcel of real property within the Project Area for which proceedings in eminent domain have not commenced within twelve (12) years after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan on March 30, 1999, by Ordinance No. 172,514, ending the period within which eminent domain may be used on March 30, 2011. This time limitation may be extended only by amendment of the Redevelopment Plan. [Great. So they'll extend it!?!?! Who's going to stop them?]
The Agency is not authorized by law to acquire real property owned by public bodies which do not consent to such acquisition. Without the consent of an owner, the Agency shall not acquire any real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use unless such building requires structural alteration, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standards, restrictions and controls of the Redevelopment Plan and the owner fails or refuses to agree to participate in the Redevelopment Plan by executing a participation agreement.
[OK, that's the most scary part!!! Basically looks to ZD, like they are saying, all they have to do is start walking around the neighborhood and start saying, "You need some structural alteration...you need some improvement modernization...you need some rehabilitation...you require some site modification...you can't use it for that anymore...and if you "refuse" (how about can't afford) to agree "particpate" by executing an agreement. [Sounds like that means, "or if you don't agree to go along, we can take it, anyway."]
I DON'T KNOW...MAYBE I'M READING TOO MUCH INTO THINGS, BUT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE CITY'S "EMINENT DOMAIN" PLAN FOR EAST ADALANTE LOOKS LIKE IT SAYS, "We can trip you up, just about any way we feel like it, and if not, we can just take it anyway."
post an comment here, and it will email it to me, or contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Zuma Dogg
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
Mount Washington Safety Alert: Disastrous Furness Avenue Project Hearing
ACTION ALERT: Disastrous Furness Avenue Project Hearing in Mount Washington!
[Sorry I just looked at this: Will post the results when the meeting lets out.]
Tomorrow, Wednesday June 13, 2007
East Los Angeles Planning Commission Meeting
Ramona Hall
4550 Figueroa Street
4:30 p.m.
A speculation developer is seeking to construct 11 houses perched on an almost cliff on Mount Washington overlooking the streets of Eldred, Granada, Lynn, and Malta. In order to construct these massive industrial looking luxury houses, massive hillside grading, enormous retaining walls, significant pylons and soil compaction, destruction of a black walnut woodland and other native trees will be necessary. This is one of the largest tract house projects proposed in Mount Washington/Highland Park
area in years.
This segment of Furness Avenue is a paper street with no access to the street system of Los Angeles. This project is dependent upon the City's approval of a second project under consideration to subdivide a tract of land between Malta and Lynn for 11 more luxury houses -- contrary to the 40,000 square foot minimum lot size zoning of the tract. The project approvals issued by the Planning Department have no plan for adequate fire and safety access to these new houses, no secondary means of access to the properties, and no conditions assuring that even a fire truck hammerhead or
turn around is physically possible on this extremely steep slope.
Persons living on Eldred, Granada, Lynn and Malta are strongly urged to get local residents, many who have received no notice of this project out to the Area Planning Commission meeting tomorrow. The community must show its alarm at a project that appears to have been reviewed and approved by City planners without ever visiting the project site.
For more information, please contact Martha Espelage-Alvarez of the Mount Washington Homeowners Alliance martha.espelage@yahoo.com or Mark Slater at mslater@handmadeinteractive.com or (323) 580-4366. The developer is hoping to slip this project through after delaying the hearing for six months and hoping we will not notice that it is on the Planning Commission agenda.
Daniel Wright - President
Mt Washington Homeowners Alliance
Contact ZAP: zumadogg@gmail.com
[Sorry I just looked at this: Will post the results when the meeting lets out.]
Tomorrow, Wednesday June 13, 2007
East Los Angeles Planning Commission Meeting
Ramona Hall
4550 Figueroa Street
4:30 p.m.
A speculation developer is seeking to construct 11 houses perched on an almost cliff on Mount Washington overlooking the streets of Eldred, Granada, Lynn, and Malta. In order to construct these massive industrial looking luxury houses, massive hillside grading, enormous retaining walls, significant pylons and soil compaction, destruction of a black walnut woodland and other native trees will be necessary. This is one of the largest tract house projects proposed in Mount Washington/Highland Park
area in years.
This segment of Furness Avenue is a paper street with no access to the street system of Los Angeles. This project is dependent upon the City's approval of a second project under consideration to subdivide a tract of land between Malta and Lynn for 11 more luxury houses -- contrary to the 40,000 square foot minimum lot size zoning of the tract. The project approvals issued by the Planning Department have no plan for adequate fire and safety access to these new houses, no secondary means of access to the properties, and no conditions assuring that even a fire truck hammerhead or
turn around is physically possible on this extremely steep slope.
Persons living on Eldred, Granada, Lynn and Malta are strongly urged to get local residents, many who have received no notice of this project out to the Area Planning Commission meeting tomorrow. The community must show its alarm at a project that appears to have been reviewed and approved by City planners without ever visiting the project site.
For more information, please contact Martha Espelage-Alvarez of the Mount Washington Homeowners Alliance martha.espelage@yahoo.com or Mark Slater at mslater@handmadeinteractive.com or (323) 580-4366. The developer is hoping to slip this project through after delaying the hearing for six months and hoping we will not notice that it is on the Planning Commission agenda.
Daniel Wright - President
Mt Washington Homeowners Alliance
Contact ZAP: zumadogg@gmail.com
PUBLIC BLOG HEARING: Low Income Housing Project Being Built on EPA Hazard Waste Site in Los Angeles City
Hey Zuma Dogg,
Currently at 1805 Sichel Street there is a low income housing project being built on an EPA Hazard Waste Site known as "Nu-Way Plating". There is no record to any environmental impact study being done or if you go to the site you can see that there is not protection from possible wind blown contaminants. The fence that you see there now was placed after much political pressure to the Department of Building and Safety because demolition was being conducted in a completely open environment that was very dangerous for children to be playing in.
and it is being built by one of John Huskey LLC's.
SICHEL 1805, L.P.
Number: 200534600029 Date Filed: 12/12/2005 Status: active
Agent for Service of Process
You might ask who is John Huskey, well lets take a look at him from several perspectives:
Housing Mogul
Click here for .pdf file
Friend of James Hahn who allowed Huskey to be part of:
6 Report of the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee
see page 6 of 64 of the following report.
Working with Ed Reyes: Click here
All the money to construct 1805 is borrowed money, none of the developer's own money can be traced. How can the be, you might ask?
For starters could it be any easier than to sit on a board that determines how money is to be allocated for Housing, who will be approved for funding and under what criteria.
Then make sure that all your projects are under different LLCs that can not be traced to your corporation.
Then make sure that you and your employees make the right monetary political contributions to previously starving students turned politicians.
Candidate or
06/29/05 John Huskey
(President, META Housing Corp.)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Herman J Wesson
Council Member - CD10
1277458 - WESSON FOR CITY COUNCIL A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 01/01/05-06/30/05]
$500.00 [Election: 11/08/05]
12/19/02 John Huskey
(President, Meta Housing Corp)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Eduardo Reyes
Council Member - CD1
1225425 - Ed Reyes Officeholder Account A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 10/01/02-12/31/02]
$250.00 [Election: 03/05/02]
03/16/04 John Huskey
(President, Meta Housing Corp)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Eduardo Reyes
Council Member - CD1
1225425 - Ed Reyes Officeholder Account A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 01/01/04-03/31/04]
$500.00 [Election: 03/02/04]
10/26/04 John Huskey
(President, Meta Housing Corp)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Eduardo Reyes
Council Member - CD1
1225425 - Ed Reyes Officeholder Account A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 10/01/04-12/31/04]
$500.00 [Election: 03/02/04]
Total Monetary Contributions (A): $1,750.00
(does not include unitemized)
Total Amount Received: $1,750.00
This is only a little bit of the story. Can you imagine how many other developers could be doing the same, follow this link:
These are the kinds of issues that Neighborhood Councils should be involved instead of political lobbying for their own causes, previous bosses or favorite politicians.
Feedback: zumadogg@gmail.com
Hey Zuma Dogg,
Currently at 1805 Sichel Street there is a low income housing project being built on an EPA Hazard Waste Site known as "Nu-Way Plating". There is no record to any environmental impact study being done or if you go to the site you can see that there is not protection from possible wind blown contaminants. The fence that you see there now was placed after much political pressure to the Department of Building and Safety because demolition was being conducted in a completely open environment that was very dangerous for children to be playing in.
and it is being built by one of John Huskey LLC's.
SICHEL 1805, L.P.
Number: 200534600029 Date Filed: 12/12/2005 Status: active
Agent for Service of Process
You might ask who is John Huskey, well lets take a look at him from several perspectives:
Housing Mogul
Click here for .pdf file
Friend of James Hahn who allowed Huskey to be part of:
6 Report of the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee
see page 6 of 64 of the following report.
Working with Ed Reyes: Click here
All the money to construct 1805 is borrowed money, none of the developer's own money can be traced. How can the be, you might ask?
For starters could it be any easier than to sit on a board that determines how money is to be allocated for Housing, who will be approved for funding and under what criteria.
Then make sure that all your projects are under different LLCs that can not be traced to your corporation.
Then make sure that you and your employees make the right monetary political contributions to previously starving students turned politicians.
Candidate or
06/29/05 John Huskey
(President, META Housing Corp.)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Herman J Wesson
Council Member - CD10
1277458 - WESSON FOR CITY COUNCIL A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 01/01/05-06/30/05]
$500.00 [Election: 11/08/05]
12/19/02 John Huskey
(President, Meta Housing Corp)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Eduardo Reyes
Council Member - CD1
1225425 - Ed Reyes Officeholder Account A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 10/01/02-12/31/02]
$250.00 [Election: 03/05/02]
03/16/04 John Huskey
(President, Meta Housing Corp)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Eduardo Reyes
Council Member - CD1
1225425 - Ed Reyes Officeholder Account A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 01/01/04-03/31/04]
$500.00 [Election: 03/02/04]
10/26/04 John Huskey
(President, Meta Housing Corp)
Santa Monica, CA 90405 Eduardo Reyes
Council Member - CD1
1225425 - Ed Reyes Officeholder Account A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 10/01/04-12/31/04]
$500.00 [Election: 03/02/04]
Total Monetary Contributions (A): $1,750.00
(does not include unitemized)
Total Amount Received: $1,750.00
This is only a little bit of the story. Can you imagine how many other developers could be doing the same, follow this link:
These are the kinds of issues that Neighborhood Councils should be involved instead of political lobbying for their own causes, previous bosses or favorite politicians.
Feedback: zumadogg@gmail.com
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Bizarre, bizzare, bizzare. This is the most compeling reality show, anywhere. Man, watch Bradley/E.B.E, Glassell Park NC Boardmember and Developer "Expiditer" with the City Planning Department. HEY REYES/HUIZAR/GARCETTI...YOU-GOTTA-CHECK-OUT-THIS-VIDEO!
Besides the crybaby stalking, notice the nervous pacing, with his hands clasped behind his back (as though he is in handcuffs). Very interesting body language. Notice the person who approaches him, and you can tell he reasons with Bradley to walk away from the public comment speaker.
AND, special guest appearance by ZD inspiration, Paula Bagasao. Man did she learn how to parce words to avoid answering the question, from her former boss Mr. Hillary Clinton, when he was President of the United States. She needs to see Tony Robbins, the way Bill Clinton and Zuma Dogg have, because however clever her word parcing was, she comes off completley in-congruent. (See Bandler/Grindler/Erickson/Robbins/Clinton/NLP/NAC) Let's face it, Bradley is toast after this. (Is it really worth all this, Bradley/E.B.E.?) This guy makes Jack Weiss look like Janice Hahn!
[Remember, this is in front of DONE's CB Tharp.]
Zuma Dogg Blog "The Shady Report" MegaMix
ZD NC coverage picked up by "Spirit of Venice" Blog "NCs Unravel"
Besides the crybaby stalking, notice the nervous pacing, with his hands clasped behind his back (as though he is in handcuffs). Very interesting body language. Notice the person who approaches him, and you can tell he reasons with Bradley to walk away from the public comment speaker.
AND, special guest appearance by ZD inspiration, Paula Bagasao. Man did she learn how to parce words to avoid answering the question, from her former boss Mr. Hillary Clinton, when he was President of the United States. She needs to see Tony Robbins, the way Bill Clinton and Zuma Dogg have, because however clever her word parcing was, she comes off completley in-congruent. (See Bandler/Grindler/Erickson/Robbins/Clinton/NLP/NAC) Let's face it, Bradley is toast after this. (Is it really worth all this, Bradley/E.B.E.?) This guy makes Jack Weiss look like Janice Hahn!
[Remember, this is in front of DONE's CB Tharp.]
Zuma Dogg Blog "The Shady Report" MegaMix
ZD NC coverage picked up by "Spirit of Venice" Blog "NCs Unravel"
Monday, June 11, 2007
PUBLIC NOTICE: ELEPHANT HILL MEETING Tuesday June 12 (2pm, Room 350, City Hall)
REMINDER: The rescheduled PLUM hearing on Elephant Hill takes place at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 12, 2007, in Room 350, City Hall. It is item #3 on the PLUM agenda; the File Number for this item is #04-1413. This is a critical meeting; please make every effort to attend. Thank you!
* * * * URGENT * Action Alert * Elephant Hill Update * URGENT * Action Alert
Urge Huizar to Require Full Environmental Review for Elephant Hill
In his recent campaign for re-election, Councilmember Jose Huizar ran on an
environmental platform. He promised to make our communities safer, cleaner and
greener. He vowed to expand green and open space. Last summer as the campaign heated up, he responded to El Sereno residents' pleas for help to ensure equitable services from City agencies responsible for residential developments by introducing a motion to investigate the need for a supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR) for Tract 35022, the controversial development of 24 luxury homes on Elephant Hill.
Now, under the threat of a lawsuit by the developers of Elephant Hill, the City
agencies charged with undertaking this investigation recommended NO SEIR for Tract 35022 at the May 22nd Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) hearing.
Councilmember Huizar sits on that powerful committee. The report, developed under direction of the Planning Dept., argues that no supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR) is required because there are no pending *discretionary* approvals for this Tract.
At the hearing, the issue of equity in planning decision-making for low-income
communities like El Sereno hit home when Joe Edmiston of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy testified that similar situations in Westside communities
have been decided in favor of residents. Fortunately, PLUM extended the hearing, allowing residents the opportunity to review and respond to the report.
Residents have informed PLUM of the inaccuracies and problems with the report.
The National Resources Defense Council and Chatten-Brown & Carstens submitted
comments that building permits are a discretionary action, thereby allowing the
City to require a SEIR for Tract 35022 under state law.
Councilmember Huizar needs the backing of his constituents, as well as the EJ
and environmental communities to stand firm in his commitment to environmental
justice and stop this illegal expansion of a luxury home development in a low-income community. Please help send a clear message to Councilmember Huizar that our community expects him exercise his considerable authority to ensure that El Sereno residents receive equitable and fair services from City agencies responsible for residential developments. These developers must be accountable and follow the rules just like everyone else, despite their wealth, influence and threats.
What You Can Do:
1. Attend the next PLUM hearing on Elephant Hill at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 12,
2007, in Room 350, City Hall. The File Number for this item is #04-1413.
2. Write or Councilmember Huizar and tell him you will stand with him as he fights for environmental justice in El Sereno by ensuring fair and equitable services from the agencies responsible for residential development on Elephant Hill. SEE THE SAMPLE LETTER BELOW.
Also, if the B-permit is approved by the Bureau of Engineering, he must issue a
stop work order so that the hillside is not destroyed before this issue is resolved.
* Email: councilmember.huizar@lacity.org or Call 213-473-7014
Back To Mayor Sam's Blog
* * * * URGENT * Action Alert * Elephant Hill Update * URGENT * Action Alert
Urge Huizar to Require Full Environmental Review for Elephant Hill
In his recent campaign for re-election, Councilmember Jose Huizar ran on an
environmental platform. He promised to make our communities safer, cleaner and
greener. He vowed to expand green and open space. Last summer as the campaign heated up, he responded to El Sereno residents' pleas for help to ensure equitable services from City agencies responsible for residential developments by introducing a motion to investigate the need for a supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR) for Tract 35022, the controversial development of 24 luxury homes on Elephant Hill.
Now, under the threat of a lawsuit by the developers of Elephant Hill, the City
agencies charged with undertaking this investigation recommended NO SEIR for Tract 35022 at the May 22nd Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) hearing.
Councilmember Huizar sits on that powerful committee. The report, developed under direction of the Planning Dept., argues that no supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR) is required because there are no pending *discretionary* approvals for this Tract.
At the hearing, the issue of equity in planning decision-making for low-income
communities like El Sereno hit home when Joe Edmiston of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy testified that similar situations in Westside communities
have been decided in favor of residents. Fortunately, PLUM extended the hearing, allowing residents the opportunity to review and respond to the report.
Residents have informed PLUM of the inaccuracies and problems with the report.
The National Resources Defense Council and Chatten-Brown & Carstens submitted
comments that building permits are a discretionary action, thereby allowing the
City to require a SEIR for Tract 35022 under state law.
Councilmember Huizar needs the backing of his constituents, as well as the EJ
and environmental communities to stand firm in his commitment to environmental
justice and stop this illegal expansion of a luxury home development in a low-income community. Please help send a clear message to Councilmember Huizar that our community expects him exercise his considerable authority to ensure that El Sereno residents receive equitable and fair services from City agencies responsible for residential developments. These developers must be accountable and follow the rules just like everyone else, despite their wealth, influence and threats.
What You Can Do:
1. Attend the next PLUM hearing on Elephant Hill at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 12,
2007, in Room 350, City Hall. The File Number for this item is #04-1413.
2. Write or Councilmember Huizar and tell him you will stand with him as he fights for environmental justice in El Sereno by ensuring fair and equitable services from the agencies responsible for residential development on Elephant Hill. SEE THE SAMPLE LETTER BELOW.
Also, if the B-permit is approved by the Bureau of Engineering, he must issue a
stop work order so that the hillside is not destroyed before this issue is resolved.
* Email: councilmember.huizar@lacity.org or Call 213-473-7014
Back To Mayor Sam's Blog
Zuma' CLINTON Campaign Articles on Google, ZD DEMING Articles on Google
Click here for EVERY ZD Public Comment at City Hall this past year. [type "zuma" in keyword box, or just type in "shady".]
Since everyone is so busy talking about Paris Hilton -- and since the LAzy Times is hell bent on being the INTERNATIONAL TIMES, instead of LA TIMES (Hey Dummies...isn't anything newsworthy of front page, above the fold coverage in this city? All you do is talk about the problems and things happening everywhere else in the world. What about the same shiznit happening right under your own upturned noses. The LA TIMES is nothing more than a diversionary tactic, sent out to the masses, by the political steamroll machine, to sidetrack y'all from the realest, dough.
I'm afraid I have to step in and declare an emergency ordinance:
Whereas, first of all, F*CK your coverage of Paris Hilton;
Whereas, WE GOT A COMPLETE LOCAL MEDIA BLACKOUT JUST AS THE CITY HAS PUT THE FOOT ON THE ACCELERATOR ON THE SHADIEST OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT POLICY. (See: Jan Perry. See also: Despicable. Superfluously arrogant. Grandeur in the "Emperors New Clothes" sense; and she has none);
Whereas, there are so many other issues almost as important as Paris Hilton (yes, she is a celebrity, and society treats people differently, so therefore, occasionally so do the police -- if she wasn't famous, they probably could've put her under house arrest in the first place. And at some point, the Sheriff has to cut his losses (all the extra effort because she IS a HUGE celebrity (not even just a regular celebrity), cause they got a few other criminals to deal with. Al Sharpton, stay the f*ck where you are and don't turn yourself into a complete clown over this. THIS will be the challenge that turns you into a parody of yourself. But I simply don't want Paris Hilton to give "fraud, waste and abuse" a free pass for the next month. So Al, stay home, my man! Ed Reyes can speak on your behalf.
Whereas, these are the biggest issues I have come across from my ZAP headquarters (secret internet location), here are all the links to all the stories from the past couple weeks that I have posted on my new "archive" blog Zuma Dogg Blog (Story Archives)
AND UNTIL ALL OF Y'ALL STOP TALKING ABOUT PARIS HILTON AND THE MAYOR'S FAMILY LIFE (Two of the city's least problems, I'm going to expand the length of my posts and not use the read more. Maybe after this, I'll post my 5500 word article on CRA/AEG's Master Boondoggle Plan for "LA LIVE" (See link below). Or maybe now would be a good time to post "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points" in case anyone missed it. (See link below)
Join ZAP, Downtown "Convention Center" Game Plan is "Do or Die" Roll of the Dice
LA LIVE $2 billion (plus) CRA/AEG Pet Project: Ritz Carlton Condos and Hollywood Convention Center, USA, Intl., Villaraigosa's ALHAMBRA Smog Parade
More Convention Center, USA, Intl: Eli Broad's Risky Grand Ave Project Puts City "On The Hook" for 99 years., More on Broad/Related/CRA/County/City Council's Grand Ave Project: Not TOO Complicated!
ZD Street Video: On The Future of LA/Density/Infrastructure, Someone Posts Ultimate Tribute to Zuma Dogg
Big Picture Behind "Manhattanization" of LA: It's FEDERAL!, CM Rosendahl Threatened to hold this picture with ZD against him, come re-elections
ZD Radio Call & Original Music PODCAST PLAYER (Streaming), LA City's "Dumb" Smart Growth (Based on LA WEEKLY article
Only thing standing in way of Smart Growth is the law and the people, Neighborhood Council concerns
Building and Saftey Bamboozle over Methane Policy: IT'S DANGEROUS, Living Wage back as hilarious motion "To END Poverty"
ZD "State of the City" Speech, ZD & Courts Agree Mayor's LAUSD Plan is a LOSER
WANTED: Leadership Inside City Hall Council Chambers, Mayor, YOU BIG DUMMY, We Told You AB 1381 Was Just Wrong!
LAUSD CONFLICT: SEMILLA Charter School Business Structure, LAUSD School Board Addresses ZD's concern of Charter School Conflicts of Interest
SCAG DELCARES SMOG FEDERAL EMERGENCY, Mayor Comes Out of Denial on LA's "Two Class System"
Antonio Goes "Gangsta" on Zev's Azz During PUBLIC MTA Meeting (LOL!), Clinton Co-Chair Puppets
Good Villaraigosa YouTube Video (Good if you like him to look bad!), Water Supply Threatens Ed Reyes' LA River Density Housing Project
CRA "Eminent Domain" Ordinance Being Drafted. (No Worries, Mate!), Why we need to "force" affordable housing in free market society
YouTube Comedy Classic: Mayor Villagrosa, Potential Metro Water Shutdown shows potential problem with LA's Skyscraper City Plans
ZD Update Thread, BIG PICTURE Story on LA City Hall
ZD's "Shady Report" (06/10/07) But their corrupt actions will live on...., DWP 6.2% Increase cause of YOUR High Density
Glassell Pk NC -- CITIZEN'S ALERT, Y'ALL!!!, PUBLIC INPUT from Zuma's ZAP inbox
DONE has to send representative to straighten out GPNC Board of Losers, Glassell Update
ZD messing with people at American Idol Auditions at Rose Bowl (season 3),
DESERT BLOG THREADS [If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat? Don't kick your feet. You can't watch these, till you read EVERYTHING ELSE ABOVE! (Until you clean your plate.)
ZD sings like Steve Perry on "Don't Stop Believing", ZD on "Viral Video" Chart: #7 ZD/Gene Simmons Mask
ZD LIVE Call In TV show (Comedy/Music)
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Click here for EVERY ZD Public Comment at City Hall this past year. [type "zuma" in keyword box, or just type in "shady".]
Since everyone is so busy talking about Paris Hilton -- and since the LAzy Times is hell bent on being the INTERNATIONAL TIMES, instead of LA TIMES (Hey Dummies...isn't anything newsworthy of front page, above the fold coverage in this city? All you do is talk about the problems and things happening everywhere else in the world. What about the same shiznit happening right under your own upturned noses. The LA TIMES is nothing more than a diversionary tactic, sent out to the masses, by the political steamroll machine, to sidetrack y'all from the realest, dough.
I'm afraid I have to step in and declare an emergency ordinance:
Whereas, first of all, F*CK your coverage of Paris Hilton;
Whereas, WE GOT A COMPLETE LOCAL MEDIA BLACKOUT JUST AS THE CITY HAS PUT THE FOOT ON THE ACCELERATOR ON THE SHADIEST OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT POLICY. (See: Jan Perry. See also: Despicable. Superfluously arrogant. Grandeur in the "Emperors New Clothes" sense; and she has none);
Whereas, there are so many other issues almost as important as Paris Hilton (yes, she is a celebrity, and society treats people differently, so therefore, occasionally so do the police -- if she wasn't famous, they probably could've put her under house arrest in the first place. And at some point, the Sheriff has to cut his losses (all the extra effort because she IS a HUGE celebrity (not even just a regular celebrity), cause they got a few other criminals to deal with. Al Sharpton, stay the f*ck where you are and don't turn yourself into a complete clown over this. THIS will be the challenge that turns you into a parody of yourself. But I simply don't want Paris Hilton to give "fraud, waste and abuse" a free pass for the next month. So Al, stay home, my man! Ed Reyes can speak on your behalf.
Whereas, these are the biggest issues I have come across from my ZAP headquarters (secret internet location), here are all the links to all the stories from the past couple weeks that I have posted on my new "archive" blog Zuma Dogg Blog (Story Archives)
AND UNTIL ALL OF Y'ALL STOP TALKING ABOUT PARIS HILTON AND THE MAYOR'S FAMILY LIFE (Two of the city's least problems, I'm going to expand the length of my posts and not use the read more. Maybe after this, I'll post my 5500 word article on CRA/AEG's Master Boondoggle Plan for "LA LIVE" (See link below). Or maybe now would be a good time to post "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points" in case anyone missed it. (See link below)
Join ZAP, Downtown "Convention Center" Game Plan is "Do or Die" Roll of the Dice
LA LIVE $2 billion (plus) CRA/AEG Pet Project: Ritz Carlton Condos and Hollywood Convention Center, USA, Intl., Villaraigosa's ALHAMBRA Smog Parade
More Convention Center, USA, Intl: Eli Broad's Risky Grand Ave Project Puts City "On The Hook" for 99 years., More on Broad/Related/CRA/County/City Council's Grand Ave Project: Not TOO Complicated!
ZD Street Video: On The Future of LA/Density/Infrastructure, Someone Posts Ultimate Tribute to Zuma Dogg
Big Picture Behind "Manhattanization" of LA: It's FEDERAL!, CM Rosendahl Threatened to hold this picture with ZD against him, come re-elections
ZD Radio Call & Original Music PODCAST PLAYER (Streaming), LA City's "Dumb" Smart Growth (Based on LA WEEKLY article
Only thing standing in way of Smart Growth is the law and the people, Neighborhood Council concerns
Building and Saftey Bamboozle over Methane Policy: IT'S DANGEROUS, Living Wage back as hilarious motion "To END Poverty"
ZD "State of the City" Speech, ZD & Courts Agree Mayor's LAUSD Plan is a LOSER
WANTED: Leadership Inside City Hall Council Chambers, Mayor, YOU BIG DUMMY, We Told You AB 1381 Was Just Wrong!
LAUSD CONFLICT: SEMILLA Charter School Business Structure, LAUSD School Board Addresses ZD's concern of Charter School Conflicts of Interest
SCAG DELCARES SMOG FEDERAL EMERGENCY, Mayor Comes Out of Denial on LA's "Two Class System"
Antonio Goes "Gangsta" on Zev's Azz During PUBLIC MTA Meeting (LOL!), Clinton Co-Chair Puppets
Good Villaraigosa YouTube Video (Good if you like him to look bad!), Water Supply Threatens Ed Reyes' LA River Density Housing Project
CRA "Eminent Domain" Ordinance Being Drafted. (No Worries, Mate!), Why we need to "force" affordable housing in free market society
YouTube Comedy Classic: Mayor Villagrosa, Potential Metro Water Shutdown shows potential problem with LA's Skyscraper City Plans
ZD Update Thread, BIG PICTURE Story on LA City Hall
ZD's "Shady Report" (06/10/07) But their corrupt actions will live on...., DWP 6.2% Increase cause of YOUR High Density
Glassell Pk NC -- CITIZEN'S ALERT, Y'ALL!!!, PUBLIC INPUT from Zuma's ZAP inbox
DONE has to send representative to straighten out GPNC Board of Losers, Glassell Update
ZD messing with people at American Idol Auditions at Rose Bowl (season 3),
DESERT BLOG THREADS [If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat? Don't kick your feet. You can't watch these, till you read EVERYTHING ELSE ABOVE! (Until you clean your plate.)
ZD sings like Steve Perry on "Don't Stop Believing", ZD on "Viral Video" Chart: #7 ZD/Gene Simmons Mask
ZD LIVE Call In TV show (Comedy/Music)
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Hi Zuma Dog (sic),
I love your website and all of the work that you do.
Listen, I am a resident of Venice Beach and with the new condo development on Thornton at Ocean Front Walk, the Ordinance affecting the local artists and vendors, the increased police presence of late, and the general influx of yuppies that we are suffering here, I really fear for the future of Venice Beach as the free speech/artistic sort of zone that it is.
I called Rosendahl's office about this, but they basically agreed with me and blew me off. I called LAPD Pacific Division, but they told me they're just responding to complaints when they harass the drummers and various trinket vendors.
If I wanted to become more active on this issue, who would you recommend that I contact? Any suggestions generally? I was considering starting a website, keepvenicefunky.com or some such thing, and hand out or mail flyers to local residents and even tourists, to support me, what do you think? Or do you know of any Venice Beachhead or Grassroots people who are already on this?
Thank you!
Zuma said...oh my goodness...what a task you take on. you are so right. calling rosendahl's office...what a joke...i like bill and all as a person, but they are the one's doing it.
me and matt dowd, my freind who you may have seen on tv 35, and a some others from venice help keep the pressure on and matt filed a lawsuit. BUT BOTTOM LINE: THE ANSWER TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS...
LAWSUIT...that's it. The only slight chance otherwise to create change is to do what i do, which is put all that public pressure on them, but that's a 16 hour a day job, to send out the smoke signals on blogs, radio, and council meetings.
Any kind of Neighborhood meetings, or phone conversations with politicians, or community gatherings is all complete BS. Because it is all a big racket. the people who set up the meetings and people you complain to are hired by the people in control. they are all on the same team. SO FILE A LAWSUIT! I'm serious. MEANWHILE, the main thing, is to know your rights and know the law and what you are and are not allowed to do, and make sure you spit back the truth if they try and bamboozle you. the city and police will try and get away with everything hoping you don't know.
ADS said...Hi Zuma, Putting on public pressure is difficult, because at least half of my neighbors are now yuppy scum and would probably be perfectly happy to see the Oceanfront Walk go the way of cold and sterile SM.
File a lawsuit? For what, and what are my damages? I'm afraid that is beyond me, acting alone anyway.
What I would like to see happen is for that area between Navy and whatever that street is where all the shops end, to be declared some sort of free speech, artistic zone, where all the weirdos that I love so dearly would be protected to do what they do without LAPD harrassment. I would like to see it re-zoned so that regardless of what gets built, the ground floors would remain retail. Ideally, I'd like to see no residential use on the oceanfront, because anyone who could afford to buy a condo there is probably the same type that's going to be calling the police constantly over the noise, the hippies, etc. Finally, there are a few buildings there, especially the Gingerbread House and the neighboring house, that I think should be protected as historical buildings.
That's my personal wishlist.
Isn't there some way to achieve something like this, short of a lawsuit?
zuma dogg wrote:
sorry...the city's masterplan doesn't include any heritige, culture or mom and pop-ism. did you see the la weekly article last week on denisty by david zahnister. its a www.laweekly.com now. check it out. i'll tell you more on the phone, if you want me to call you and tell you a little. but yeah, we all want that stuff, but the city is steamtrolling the city. if they followed the laws put in place to protect this from happening, things would be better, but they ignore the laws, and change everything after it's been approved. but what are you going to do, make them tear it down and put it back? read the laweekly article on density. it's called gentrification.
ADS said…ZD, Okay, all of that high density stuff is great for singles here in LA trying to build their careers, make a pile of money, whatever, but what do they expect FAMILIES with CHILDREN to do with no yards or cars? None of those destinations they plan on creating - upscale retail shops, expensive condos, hotels, etc., are very welcoming for noisy little kids. And with few parks around, often no sidewalks, what do they expect us to do? And how many of them would like to live in a condo next to my 1 year old who has a habit of crying around 10:30 pm nightly?
Besides, when I think of all the errands I run in a day, almost none of them are reachable by public transportation (such as the hills below Jefferson in Baldwin Park).
Already, many of the families I know have moved out of the area, to Houston, Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, some to Agoura/Calabasas, do they want to make it totally unbearable so that we all get out?! Why don't they just name this City of No Families?
contact: ZAP Blog
Hi Zuma Dog (sic),
I love your website and all of the work that you do.
Listen, I am a resident of Venice Beach and with the new condo development on Thornton at Ocean Front Walk, the Ordinance affecting the local artists and vendors, the increased police presence of late, and the general influx of yuppies that we are suffering here, I really fear for the future of Venice Beach as the free speech/artistic sort of zone that it is.
I called Rosendahl's office about this, but they basically agreed with me and blew me off. I called LAPD Pacific Division, but they told me they're just responding to complaints when they harass the drummers and various trinket vendors.
If I wanted to become more active on this issue, who would you recommend that I contact? Any suggestions generally? I was considering starting a website, keepvenicefunky.com or some such thing, and hand out or mail flyers to local residents and even tourists, to support me, what do you think? Or do you know of any Venice Beachhead or Grassroots people who are already on this?
Thank you!
Zuma said...oh my goodness...what a task you take on. you are so right. calling rosendahl's office...what a joke...i like bill and all as a person, but they are the one's doing it.
me and matt dowd, my freind who you may have seen on tv 35, and a some others from venice help keep the pressure on and matt filed a lawsuit. BUT BOTTOM LINE: THE ANSWER TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS...
LAWSUIT...that's it. The only slight chance otherwise to create change is to do what i do, which is put all that public pressure on them, but that's a 16 hour a day job, to send out the smoke signals on blogs, radio, and council meetings.
Any kind of Neighborhood meetings, or phone conversations with politicians, or community gatherings is all complete BS. Because it is all a big racket. the people who set up the meetings and people you complain to are hired by the people in control. they are all on the same team. SO FILE A LAWSUIT! I'm serious. MEANWHILE, the main thing, is to know your rights and know the law and what you are and are not allowed to do, and make sure you spit back the truth if they try and bamboozle you. the city and police will try and get away with everything hoping you don't know.
ADS said...Hi Zuma, Putting on public pressure is difficult, because at least half of my neighbors are now yuppy scum and would probably be perfectly happy to see the Oceanfront Walk go the way of cold and sterile SM.
File a lawsuit? For what, and what are my damages? I'm afraid that is beyond me, acting alone anyway.
What I would like to see happen is for that area between Navy and whatever that street is where all the shops end, to be declared some sort of free speech, artistic zone, where all the weirdos that I love so dearly would be protected to do what they do without LAPD harrassment. I would like to see it re-zoned so that regardless of what gets built, the ground floors would remain retail. Ideally, I'd like to see no residential use on the oceanfront, because anyone who could afford to buy a condo there is probably the same type that's going to be calling the police constantly over the noise, the hippies, etc. Finally, there are a few buildings there, especially the Gingerbread House and the neighboring house, that I think should be protected as historical buildings.
That's my personal wishlist.
Isn't there some way to achieve something like this, short of a lawsuit?
zuma dogg
sorry...the city's masterplan doesn't include any heritige, culture or mom and pop-ism. did you see the la weekly article last week on denisty by david zahnister. its a www.laweekly.com now. check it out. i'll tell you more on the phone, if you want me to call you and tell you a little. but yeah, we all want that stuff, but the city is steamtrolling the city. if they followed the laws put in place to protect this from happening, things would be better, but they ignore the laws, and change everything after it's been approved. but what are you going to do, make them tear it down and put it back? read the laweekly article on density. it's called gentrification.
ADS said…ZD, Okay, all of that high density stuff is great for singles here in LA trying to build their careers, make a pile of money, whatever, but what do they expect FAMILIES with CHILDREN to do with no yards or cars? None of those destinations they plan on creating - upscale retail shops, expensive condos, hotels, etc., are very welcoming for noisy little kids. And with few parks around, often no sidewalks, what do they expect us to do? And how many of them would like to live in a condo next to my 1 year old who has a habit of crying around 10:30 pm nightly?
Besides, when I think of all the errands I run in a day, almost none of them are reachable by public transportation (such as the hills below Jefferson in Baldwin Park).
Already, many of the families I know have moved out of the area, to Houston, Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, some to Agoura/Calabasas, do they want to make it totally unbearable so that we all get out?! Why don't they just name this City of No Families?
contact: ZAP Blog
Zuma's ZAP Blog
Neighborhood Council Blog
FROM ZUMA'S "ZAP" (Zuma's Activist Program) INBOX:
ZAPPER: ZD, What is the entire Glassell Park NC group doing with a Highland Park phone number -- belonging to someone who doesn't appear to have any link to GPNC, at all? Maybe it's nothing, but maybe it's something...
ZD: Oh, I'm sure it's nothing. It never is.
...And this thoughtful and insightful dialouge from the NortheastLA Yahoo Group regarding "Conflict of Interests" and what the City is and isn't willing to do about all this NC scandal triggered by Bradley and his Glassell Park (and regional) NC in Cahoots crew. (And that cahootsism includes the Planning Department, and that means Councilmembers!)
More unrest from the pueblos in Cahootsville.
This whole string is fascinating. [ZD: I AGREE!]
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Rob Schraff
Sent: Jun 10, 2007 11:18 AM
To: NortheastLA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Bradley's Victory Outreach Conflict - Proof
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Neighborhood Council Blog
FROM ZUMA'S "ZAP" (Zuma's Activist Program) INBOX:
ZAPPER: ZD, What is the entire Glassell Park NC group doing with a Highland Park phone number -- belonging to someone who doesn't appear to have any link to GPNC, at all? Maybe it's nothing, but maybe it's something...
ZD: Oh, I'm sure it's nothing. It never is.
...And this thoughtful and insightful dialouge from the NortheastLA Yahoo Group regarding "Conflict of Interests" and what the City is and isn't willing to do about all this NC scandal triggered by Bradley and his Glassell Park (and regional) NC in Cahoots crew. (And that cahootsism includes the Planning Department, and that means Councilmembers!)
More unrest from the pueblos in Cahootsville.
This whole string is fascinating. [ZD: I AGREE!]
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Rob Schraff
Sent: Jun 10, 2007 11:18 AM
To: NortheastLA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Bradley's Victory Outreach Conflict - Proof
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
The Big Picture Game Plan for Downtown Los Angeles Development: How the city is going to try and buy its’ way to the head of the convention business line/Corner the convention market by any means necessary!
by Zuma Dogg
Zuma's ZAP Blog
I guess if you raise enough money, or promise to raise enough money (and can convince the politicians you have a shot at doing so) you can just about build anything in this city, at any cost. (And I mean socially and economically, not the final price tag to developers and un-willing residents who end up paying for it, one way, or the other. (See tax hikes, fees, and skyrocketing property owner costs to help pay for what is ahead in the CRA/LA “Billion Dollar Plus” development club. (I’m not even gonna consider anything going on in this town with less than a billion dollar starting price. And all these projected costs are starting prices, because not only are the pueblos expenses skyrocketing, so are construction costs. And with all the planning, financing and construction delays; by the time you actually get the steamrollers rolling, and the developers start piling the cement 50 stories high anywhere they can get away with it, zoning and EIR restrictions, or not (and you think traffic is bad now), the cost has already jumped by at least a couple hundred million dollars; and the developer usually ends up running to the city for some kind of financial bail-out, claiming the project cannot carry on, otherwise.
This means either tax breaks/subsidies, or flat out money out of the CRA or other fund, that would have gone to something else.
And when you review the business deals these developers cut with the city, you gotta watch for these “sunset clauses”. A typical “small print, sunset clause, bamboozle could include a promise for a certain amount of “affordable housing”. Then put in a sunset clause stating if CRA doesn’t come up with enough “increment money”, then they can cut back on the amount of affordable housing, accordingly.
And of course all the revenue streams the CRA plans on using to raise this money, are new and completely speculative based on things like “expected parking revenues after completion of phase one.” Well, what if those cars don’t start flying into those parking lots as quickly as they expect. And what if phase one gets delayed. Then the CRA can come back and claim, “Well, Gee…we didn’t raise the affordable housing money we promised the developer.” And then all the city gets are the million dollar plus units (and I mean plus) -- but not any of the affordable housing. YOU DON’T THINK THAT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME? JUST ASK JAN PERRY, MAYBE SHE CAN EXPLAIN IT TO YOU, SHE’S SO SMART AND LOOKING OUT FOR HER DISTRICT’S BEST INTEREST!
Plus, when it comes to giving developers CRA money to build affordable housing, remember, that money was already earmarked for affordable housing anyway. So, all we are doing is letting the billion dollar developers and their international financial backers profit on the building of the affordable housing, as well as the high-end, five star, luxury stuff!
Sorry, every other local developers in town, and to all their families…No business in town for you! MegaCorp, International (A conglomerate of billionaire developers, their corporate backers and international financial institutions can handle that element, too. (The rich get richer, and everyone else goes out of business and has to leave the state, or take up accommodations somewhere on the sidewalk.) Hey, if Home Depots can put all the local supply companies out of business, why not apply this concept to the entire development process, as well. (Man, I’m starting to think if you want any construction or supply business in this town, you gotta have your kids on council, or pay for the politicians election and buy ‘em into office, so they can pave the way (for you to pave), or something.
So now that we know a little about HOW what is about to get done, is about to get done – let’s review the “master plan” for downtown Los Angeles, Cahootsifornia:
My friend Al Ries (International/Fortune 500 consultant and co-author of “Marketing Warfare” and author of “Focus”) says a product (in this cast the city) must have a narrow, specialized focus that allows the consumer to associate you with a specific benefit. (Be known for something.) Starbucks pulled this off by focusing on “coffee”. Domino’s with “delivery”. (They actually created the whole Domino’s concept from the bottom up. In other words, “OK, we’re gonna be the guys who deliver it in 30 minutes, or less. And built the facilities and zoned the delivery areas accordingly.)
Applying this concept to municipalities, Vegas has gambling; Detroit/cars; Texas/oil; Ft. Lauderdale/Spring Break, whatever…
So what is LA known for? (Besides being the open-armed embracer for all who wanna be a part of this fun)…Entertainment.
But, I guess the mere production isn’t good enough anymore. (Cause the city waived all the tax revenues to prevent runaway productions. And, Hollywood can show a loss on “Star Wars”, “Spiderman” or “Pirates” through creative accounting, if they want to. Poor fellas. They can just barely scrape by.)
So instead of gambling, or auto manufacturing, we are focusing on buying our way to the top of the convention city business, focusing on providing “world-class”, “state of the art”, “nice as f*ck” theater and broadcast facilities, so the whole world can fly here for their music award shows, and House of Blues cable broadcasts, and movie screenings and premiers with all the techno-structure to accommodate a TRUE international press corp and broadcasters to beam the even all over the world.
Of course, we are already getting that business anyway. So looks like the Hollywood area, currently attracting these gigs/business are about to become the CD in an iPod world. (Maybe we can house the homeless in all those empty unused venues that are about to become the LA Forum of the Hollywood ET/Access Hollywood world.)
And how do you blow away the rest of the world, and wipe everything else off the map? (At least in the California race for convention business that we consistently lose big to San Fran, San Diego and Orange County. Cause you ain’t never gonna beat Vegas till you get gambling inside that Ritz Carlton, JW Marriott, Hilton and Mandarin Hotels coming to Downtown LA. Skid Row isn’t as good a tourist attraction as Danny Gans, free alcohol and blackjack tables, apparently.)
So let’s take a look at one of the two billion dollar bookend projects the city has online to give LA that steroid injection it needs to become the international tourist and convention magnet it must become; or else we really will become that third world city the critics are warning us about. (And in this global war, the city is gonna have to focus all resources and funding toward this “Hail Mary” attempt if there is any hope of pulling it off.)
So let’s see what one, of these two mixed-use, luxury condo, five star hotel, specialty/boutique shop, fancy restaurant upscale billion dollar wife babysitter projects has in store, with the only the community’s best interest in mind:
($2 Billion Starting Price)
by Zuma Dogg
Zuma's ZAP Blog
I guess if you raise enough money, or promise to raise enough money (and can convince the politicians you have a shot at doing so) you can just about build anything in this city, at any cost. (And I mean socially and economically, not the final price tag to developers and un-willing residents who end up paying for it, one way, or the other. (See tax hikes, fees, and skyrocketing property owner costs to help pay for what is ahead in the CRA/LA “Billion Dollar Plus” development club. (I’m not even gonna consider anything going on in this town with less than a billion dollar starting price. And all these projected costs are starting prices, because not only are the pueblos expenses skyrocketing, so are construction costs. And with all the planning, financing and construction delays; by the time you actually get the steamrollers rolling, and the developers start piling the cement 50 stories high anywhere they can get away with it, zoning and EIR restrictions, or not (and you think traffic is bad now), the cost has already jumped by at least a couple hundred million dollars; and the developer usually ends up running to the city for some kind of financial bail-out, claiming the project cannot carry on, otherwise.
This means either tax breaks/subsidies, or flat out money out of the CRA or other fund, that would have gone to something else.
And when you review the business deals these developers cut with the city, you gotta watch for these “sunset clauses”. A typical “small print, sunset clause, bamboozle could include a promise for a certain amount of “affordable housing”. Then put in a sunset clause stating if CRA doesn’t come up with enough “increment money”, then they can cut back on the amount of affordable housing, accordingly.
And of course all the revenue streams the CRA plans on using to raise this money, are new and completely speculative based on things like “expected parking revenues after completion of phase one.” Well, what if those cars don’t start flying into those parking lots as quickly as they expect. And what if phase one gets delayed. Then the CRA can come back and claim, “Well, Gee…we didn’t raise the affordable housing money we promised the developer.” And then all the city gets are the million dollar plus units (and I mean plus) -- but not any of the affordable housing. YOU DON’T THINK THAT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME? JUST ASK JAN PERRY, MAYBE SHE CAN EXPLAIN IT TO YOU, SHE’S SO SMART AND LOOKING OUT FOR HER DISTRICT’S BEST INTEREST!
Plus, when it comes to giving developers CRA money to build affordable housing, remember, that money was already earmarked for affordable housing anyway. So, all we are doing is letting the billion dollar developers and their international financial backers profit on the building of the affordable housing, as well as the high-end, five star, luxury stuff!
Sorry, every other local developers in town, and to all their families…No business in town for you! MegaCorp, International (A conglomerate of billionaire developers, their corporate backers and international financial institutions can handle that element, too. (The rich get richer, and everyone else goes out of business and has to leave the state, or take up accommodations somewhere on the sidewalk.) Hey, if Home Depots can put all the local supply companies out of business, why not apply this concept to the entire development process, as well. (Man, I’m starting to think if you want any construction or supply business in this town, you gotta have your kids on council, or pay for the politicians election and buy ‘em into office, so they can pave the way (for you to pave), or something.
So now that we know a little about HOW what is about to get done, is about to get done – let’s review the “master plan” for downtown Los Angeles, Cahootsifornia:
My friend Al Ries (International/Fortune 500 consultant and co-author of “Marketing Warfare” and author of “Focus”) says a product (in this cast the city) must have a narrow, specialized focus that allows the consumer to associate you with a specific benefit. (Be known for something.) Starbucks pulled this off by focusing on “coffee”. Domino’s with “delivery”. (They actually created the whole Domino’s concept from the bottom up. In other words, “OK, we’re gonna be the guys who deliver it in 30 minutes, or less. And built the facilities and zoned the delivery areas accordingly.)
Applying this concept to municipalities, Vegas has gambling; Detroit/cars; Texas/oil; Ft. Lauderdale/Spring Break, whatever…
So what is LA known for? (Besides being the open-armed embracer for all who wanna be a part of this fun)…Entertainment.
But, I guess the mere production isn’t good enough anymore. (Cause the city waived all the tax revenues to prevent runaway productions. And, Hollywood can show a loss on “Star Wars”, “Spiderman” or “Pirates” through creative accounting, if they want to. Poor fellas. They can just barely scrape by.)
So instead of gambling, or auto manufacturing, we are focusing on buying our way to the top of the convention city business, focusing on providing “world-class”, “state of the art”, “nice as f*ck” theater and broadcast facilities, so the whole world can fly here for their music award shows, and House of Blues cable broadcasts, and movie screenings and premiers with all the techno-structure to accommodate a TRUE international press corp and broadcasters to beam the even all over the world.
Of course, we are already getting that business anyway. So looks like the Hollywood area, currently attracting these gigs/business are about to become the CD in an iPod world. (Maybe we can house the homeless in all those empty unused venues that are about to become the LA Forum of the Hollywood ET/Access Hollywood world.)
And how do you blow away the rest of the world, and wipe everything else off the map? (At least in the California race for convention business that we consistently lose big to San Fran, San Diego and Orange County. Cause you ain’t never gonna beat Vegas till you get gambling inside that Ritz Carlton, JW Marriott, Hilton and Mandarin Hotels coming to Downtown LA. Skid Row isn’t as good a tourist attraction as Danny Gans, free alcohol and blackjack tables, apparently.)
So let’s take a look at one of the two billion dollar bookend projects the city has online to give LA that steroid injection it needs to become the international tourist and convention magnet it must become; or else we really will become that third world city the critics are warning us about. (And in this global war, the city is gonna have to focus all resources and funding toward this “Hail Mary” attempt if there is any hope of pulling it off.)
So let’s see what one, of these two mixed-use, luxury condo, five star hotel, specialty/boutique shop, fancy restaurant upscale billion dollar wife babysitter projects has in store, with the only the community’s best interest in mind:
($2 Billion Starting Price)
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Memo To VIllariagosa, DONE, BONC, Los Angeles City Council and Neighborhood Council Regarding NC Corruption and Overall "Cahootsism"
To: Villaraigosa, DONE, BONC, LA City Council, NC Stakeholders, Media, ZAPPERS
Fr: Zuma Dogg (ZAP - Zuma's Activist Program)
Re: Neighborhood Council "Cahootsism"
Dt: June 07, 2007
It's deeper than I care to get into. Addressing some of the things happening at the NC puppet level should be enough to call attention to the "Cahootsism" that is taking place between various Neighborhood Councils Citywide and the City of Los Angeles.
Bradley from E.B.E. who's name appears as "representative" or "expediter" on various construction projects pending zoning variance approvals from Planning -- only to have these projects have to be constantly appealed by the community. But of course they are approved anyway.
So that triggered a Citywide avalanche of people, mostly disenfranchised NC members, many of whom have dropped out, to call ZD on the cell phone, followed up by emails (or vica vesa) regarding NCs in Lincoln Hts, Eagle Rock, Boyle Hts, Valley Village, Silverlake (Bradley's E.B.E. NC Annex) and of course the NC that unleashed ZD on NC...Venice NC. (The biggest circus in town, rightfully so.)
Also reports of nine year olds and minor high school kids voting. And an overall overtaking over the NCs by activist groups who bus people in from outside the area, do not check identification, then elect a slate of boardmembers voted in by the caravan. Plus, people voting in multiple NCs, because again, no ID verification.
People who defend this process, argue that it is OK because NC doesn't have a vote and isn't really official, and all that.
Except, it IS a City agency, that used City money, and if NCs are required to follow the Brown Act, that means it's official -- and should adhere to city election procedures (such as no nine year olds, and only one vote per person in the area in which they reside.)
People are saying they are a stakeholder because they belong to the Rotary Club, or have a job in the area and do you think NC elections verify?
Many more problems with the big f-ing racket known as LANC.
Check out all the coverage, including Stakeholder testimony regarding outrageous behavior and rough-shot ruling by E.B.E.'s Bradley -- and the latest videos that show how this guy has NO fear of being video taped being grabbing a paper out of a lady's hand and holding it out of her reach -- WITH CAMERAS ROLLING. Now that's a guy who knows he's got nothing to worry about in case you complain about him. He's all cahootsie with the people you complain to. It's all on the blogs.
Bottom line...pull the plug on NC before the whole City unravels over this.
And please, show up to the Planning meeting on June 26th when they rule on another appeal against Bradley's zoning variance project. So check out the blog http://neighborhoodcouncil.blogspot.com and read the "cahootsism" complain, filed by City Attorney Inspector Control General D-O-Double-Gee.
Zuma's ZAP Blog
Fr: Zuma Dogg (ZAP - Zuma's Activist Program)
Re: Neighborhood Council "Cahootsism"
Dt: June 07, 2007
It's deeper than I care to get into. Addressing some of the things happening at the NC puppet level should be enough to call attention to the "Cahootsism" that is taking place between various Neighborhood Councils Citywide and the City of Los Angeles.
Bradley from E.B.E. who's name appears as "representative" or "expediter" on various construction projects pending zoning variance approvals from Planning -- only to have these projects have to be constantly appealed by the community. But of course they are approved anyway.
So that triggered a Citywide avalanche of people, mostly disenfranchised NC members, many of whom have dropped out, to call ZD on the cell phone, followed up by emails (or vica vesa) regarding NCs in Lincoln Hts, Eagle Rock, Boyle Hts, Valley Village, Silverlake (Bradley's E.B.E. NC Annex) and of course the NC that unleashed ZD on NC...Venice NC. (The biggest circus in town, rightfully so.)
Also reports of nine year olds and minor high school kids voting. And an overall overtaking over the NCs by activist groups who bus people in from outside the area, do not check identification, then elect a slate of boardmembers voted in by the caravan. Plus, people voting in multiple NCs, because again, no ID verification.
People who defend this process, argue that it is OK because NC doesn't have a vote and isn't really official, and all that.
Except, it IS a City agency, that used City money, and if NCs are required to follow the Brown Act, that means it's official -- and should adhere to city election procedures (such as no nine year olds, and only one vote per person in the area in which they reside.)
People are saying they are a stakeholder because they belong to the Rotary Club, or have a job in the area and do you think NC elections verify?
Many more problems with the big f-ing racket known as LANC.
Check out all the coverage, including Stakeholder testimony regarding outrageous behavior and rough-shot ruling by E.B.E.'s Bradley -- and the latest videos that show how this guy has NO fear of being video taped being grabbing a paper out of a lady's hand and holding it out of her reach -- WITH CAMERAS ROLLING. Now that's a guy who knows he's got nothing to worry about in case you complain about him. He's all cahootsie with the people you complain to. It's all on the blogs.
Bottom line...pull the plug on NC before the whole City unravels over this.
And please, show up to the Planning meeting on June 26th when they rule on another appeal against Bradley's zoning variance project. So check out the blog http://neighborhoodcouncil.blogspot.com and read the "cahootsism" complain, filed by City Attorney Inspector Control General D-O-Double-Gee.
Zuma's ZAP Blog
Memo to Villaraigosa, Carol Baker Tharp, Linda Lucks, Los Angeles City Council and Stakeholders Regarding NC "Chahootsism" (A Big F-ing Racket)
To: Carol Baker Tharp/Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE), Mayor Antonio Villarigosa, Linda Lucks (BONC), Los Angeles City Council, and the stakeholders of Los Angeles
Fr: ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
Re: NC Cahootsism/Follow-up to Tharp's response on Brown Act/Notificiation
Dt: June 7, 2007
Dear Carol,
Maybe some of what you said COULD be interpreted to address SOME of the problems: ie: regarding notification and outreach. So I referenced that on my blog post.
Here's something to consider. I heard you say, "More youth outreach/participation." OF COURSE..what a great idea. EXCEPT, not if they are voting. And I was contacted by NC stakeholders in Lincoln Heights who say nine year olds and sixteen year old have voted.
And the elections are held INSIDE Lincoln Heights High, so the kids can easily vote. And I am waiting for an email from someone who called me today to inform me that when one of the students voting was asked, "What are you doing, what is that slip of paper for?" (Names off who to vote for.) The child replied, "I don't know, but if we do this, we get extra credit." So the person asked, "What does that slip of paper say?"
Now supporters of youth participation can claim, "Well, since NC doesn't have an actual vote, it doesn't matter anyway. It's not official."
However, NC is a city agency and accepts City money. I don't see how Bradley of GPNC can argue that Boardmembers shouldn't have to fill out a Form 700.
And if it wasn't official, under the City Charter, then the Brown Act would not be required.
So, certainly, no one under 18 years old should be allowed to vote in any city election, including NC, which is an official city agency using city taxpayer money.
And the other issue, brought to my attention in the past 24 hours, regards stakeholders voting in multiple NC elections in different areas. (You shouldn't have more than one vote because some of these NCs overlap in projects and stake.)
Also, no form of identification is required for some NC elections, while other NCs do require identification. So that is unjust. And to the ones who do not check identification, I have been told in LHNC, Cedillo's AIDS MEMORIAL WALL coalition got fed up with NC opposition, so they had their little election day caravan of people (many of whom could have easily been from outside the area, since ID was not checked), who voted in a board of memebers from the Wall Coalition.
AND, in Glassell Park, Bradley and his Victory Outreach coalition got fed up with NC memeber opposition and LITERALL BUSSED PEOPLE IN FROM ALL OVER THE PLACE and overtook the board. (IDs not checked. Had they been, this may not have happened.)
So, I started typing this email to let you know I could at least read into your comments as being more than just about Brown Act -- but then you just got a partial transcript of the past 24 hours of the phone calls to ZD from Glassell Park/Lincoln Hts. (Mt. Wash, Boyle Hts, Venice stories as well...but these represent the citywide problem.) Especially, if you read what a Glassell stakeholder had to say about the way King Bradley rules his NC empire. (Links on http://neighborhoodcouncil.blogspot.com INCLUDING AN OUTRAGEOUS VIDEO OF THE MYSTERIOUS ONE KNOWN AS BRADLEY IN ACTION AT THIS WEEK'S MEETING. IT'S IMPORTANT TO SEE, BECAUSE IT SHOWS HE OBVIOUSLY FEELS SO COMFORTABLE AND PROTECTED, HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE IF HE IS CAUGHT ON TAPE...AS LONG AS HE GETS HER NOTES AND SEE WHAT THE OPPOSITION IS SAYING, I GUESS.)
Anyway, if you are still reading, then you deserve a sincere thank you, simply for that.
Warm Regards,
Zuma Dogg
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
contact: ZumaDogg@gmail.com
NEW: Zuma's ZAP (Zuma's Activist Blog)
Neighborhood Council Blog with all the stories about NC shadiness Citywide
Fr: ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
Re: NC Cahootsism/Follow-up to Tharp's response on Brown Act/Notificiation
Dt: June 7, 2007
Dear Carol,
Maybe some of what you said COULD be interpreted to address SOME of the problems: ie: regarding notification and outreach. So I referenced that on my blog post.
Here's something to consider. I heard you say, "More youth outreach/participation." OF COURSE..what a great idea. EXCEPT, not if they are voting. And I was contacted by NC stakeholders in Lincoln Heights who say nine year olds and sixteen year old have voted.
And the elections are held INSIDE Lincoln Heights High, so the kids can easily vote. And I am waiting for an email from someone who called me today to inform me that when one of the students voting was asked, "What are you doing, what is that slip of paper for?" (Names off who to vote for.) The child replied, "I don't know, but if we do this, we get extra credit." So the person asked, "What does that slip of paper say?"
Now supporters of youth participation can claim, "Well, since NC doesn't have an actual vote, it doesn't matter anyway. It's not official."
However, NC is a city agency and accepts City money. I don't see how Bradley of GPNC can argue that Boardmembers shouldn't have to fill out a Form 700.
And if it wasn't official, under the City Charter, then the Brown Act would not be required.
So, certainly, no one under 18 years old should be allowed to vote in any city election, including NC, which is an official city agency using city taxpayer money.
And the other issue, brought to my attention in the past 24 hours, regards stakeholders voting in multiple NC elections in different areas. (You shouldn't have more than one vote because some of these NCs overlap in projects and stake.)
Also, no form of identification is required for some NC elections, while other NCs do require identification. So that is unjust. And to the ones who do not check identification, I have been told in LHNC, Cedillo's AIDS MEMORIAL WALL coalition got fed up with NC opposition, so they had their little election day caravan of people (many of whom could have easily been from outside the area, since ID was not checked), who voted in a board of memebers from the Wall Coalition.
AND, in Glassell Park, Bradley and his Victory Outreach coalition got fed up with NC memeber opposition and LITERALL BUSSED PEOPLE IN FROM ALL OVER THE PLACE and overtook the board. (IDs not checked. Had they been, this may not have happened.)
So, I started typing this email to let you know I could at least read into your comments as being more than just about Brown Act -- but then you just got a partial transcript of the past 24 hours of the phone calls to ZD from Glassell Park/Lincoln Hts. (Mt. Wash, Boyle Hts, Venice stories as well...but these represent the citywide problem.) Especially, if you read what a Glassell stakeholder had to say about the way King Bradley rules his NC empire. (Links on http://neighborhoodcouncil.blogspot.com INCLUDING AN OUTRAGEOUS VIDEO OF THE MYSTERIOUS ONE KNOWN AS BRADLEY IN ACTION AT THIS WEEK'S MEETING. IT'S IMPORTANT TO SEE, BECAUSE IT SHOWS HE OBVIOUSLY FEELS SO COMFORTABLE AND PROTECTED, HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE IF HE IS CAUGHT ON TAPE...AS LONG AS HE GETS HER NOTES AND SEE WHAT THE OPPOSITION IS SAYING, I GUESS.)
Anyway, if you are still reading, then you deserve a sincere thank you, simply for that.
Warm Regards,
Zuma Dogg
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
contact: ZumaDogg@gmail.com
NEW: Zuma's ZAP (Zuma's Activist Blog)
Neighborhood Council Blog with all the stories about NC shadiness Citywide
DONE'S Carol Baker Tharp on Brown Act and Filming At NC Meetings
*** UPDATE *****
Click here for transcript
Carol Baker Tharp: "Here's what we are doing to address the Brown Act questions that are being raised by and about several NCs: We are sending letters to ALL NCs--including those about which we are receiving complaints--explaining that videotaping is permitted as long as it is not disruptive, and emphasizing how important it is to properly post meeting notices in a timely and accessible manner. We are inviting a City Attorney's rep to attend our field team meeting to clarify all aspects of the Brown Act for our staff, and we will ask all of our field reps to talk with their NCs about these issues, emphasizing the need for transparency and openness in all aspects of NC business."
Thanks Carol. Seriously. I like you alot. Remember, I said so, right off the bat on City TV 35 during your confirmation hearing. And, I liked you when I met you in person a couple times. So it's not fun to have to bring these things to your attention.
But here's the email I sent back to Carol in response to my voice mail to her regarding my recent Mayor Sam story on Bradley and his "In Cahoots" democratic steamroll crew -- and it didn't say a THING about Brown Act or filming. (Except to maybe say, "Look at what has been exposed, because Bradley wouldn't let her film.")
Back to Mayor SamZD's Orignal Story on Glassell Park & Area NC Corruption
I WILL at least say this quote from above, "...emphasizing the need for transparency and openness in all aspects of NC business", could be seen as a slight mention of the rest of the enchilada...but I just wanted to make sure we weren't talking apples and oranges, so I sent this email back in reply, just to clarify:
Thanks for the email. I'm sure you don't mind if I post that for everyone to check out. And I will.
However, unfortunately, Bradley's behavior unleashed an avalanche of information about Glassell Park (and surrounding NC's). Carol, it's a doozy. You are
going to hate me. I'm sorry about this story. But it was created from multiple interviews with community members and research on the internet. (I'll show you my cell phone minutes and emails.)
At this point, the last thing I am concerned about is the filming of the meetings. I'm concerned about the waste of taxpayers money for nothing more than a City racket. Here's a transcript of a word for word phone conversation I JUST had, five minutes ago, with a disenfranchise GPNC member who has a lot to say about Bradley. (See attachment)
Carol, it kinda sucks being in this community niche that I have somehow fallen into this past year. People seem to feel ZD is the one to tell all this stuff to...and it's been a blessing to be embraced with the trust of the communtiy on these issues.
And sometimes it means I have to mention people who I like and admire in the story. So here's one that ain't so fun...but it's kinda a big deal with Mayor Sam readers...and now, the whole community is calling me and emailing me with stuff from Glassell Park, Linclon Hts, Boyle Hts., Venice..YOU GOTTA READ THIS MAYOR SAM STORY ON BRADLEY, PAULA, MARK of METRO/PROH-LA and the "In Cahoots Crew". The curtain has been pulled back, Carol, and no one is looking at the fake image of OZ on the screen anymore.
Man, is this uncomfortable.
So at least this topic will have some awarness raised, and hopefully we can improve the system. Personally, I think the people who run the system are well aware of the problem, because it has been brought to their attention before. But maybe this time, there is enough public attention that they will have to clear back the brush a bit.
Go to Zuma's ZAP Blog (Join ZAP) for way more information on the entire NC system cahootsim
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Click here for transcript
Carol Baker Tharp: "Here's what we are doing to address the Brown Act questions that are being raised by and about several NCs: We are sending letters to ALL NCs--including those about which we are receiving complaints--explaining that videotaping is permitted as long as it is not disruptive, and emphasizing how important it is to properly post meeting notices in a timely and accessible manner. We are inviting a City Attorney's rep to attend our field team meeting to clarify all aspects of the Brown Act for our staff, and we will ask all of our field reps to talk with their NCs about these issues, emphasizing the need for transparency and openness in all aspects of NC business."
Thanks Carol. Seriously. I like you alot. Remember, I said so, right off the bat on City TV 35 during your confirmation hearing. And, I liked you when I met you in person a couple times. So it's not fun to have to bring these things to your attention.
But here's the email I sent back to Carol in response to my voice mail to her regarding my recent Mayor Sam story on Bradley and his "In Cahoots" democratic steamroll crew -- and it didn't say a THING about Brown Act or filming. (Except to maybe say, "Look at what has been exposed, because Bradley wouldn't let her film.")
Back to Mayor SamZD's Orignal Story on Glassell Park & Area NC Corruption
I WILL at least say this quote from above, "...emphasizing the need for transparency and openness in all aspects of NC business", could be seen as a slight mention of the rest of the enchilada...but I just wanted to make sure we weren't talking apples and oranges, so I sent this email back in reply, just to clarify:
Thanks for the email. I'm sure you don't mind if I post that for everyone to check out. And I will.
However, unfortunately, Bradley's behavior unleashed an avalanche of information about Glassell Park (and surrounding NC's). Carol, it's a doozy. You are
going to hate me. I'm sorry about this story. But it was created from multiple interviews with community members and research on the internet. (I'll show you my cell phone minutes and emails.)
At this point, the last thing I am concerned about is the filming of the meetings. I'm concerned about the waste of taxpayers money for nothing more than a City racket. Here's a transcript of a word for word phone conversation I JUST had, five minutes ago, with a disenfranchise GPNC member who has a lot to say about Bradley. (See attachment)
Carol, it kinda sucks being in this community niche that I have somehow fallen into this past year. People seem to feel ZD is the one to tell all this stuff to...and it's been a blessing to be embraced with the trust of the communtiy on these issues.
And sometimes it means I have to mention people who I like and admire in the story. So here's one that ain't so fun...but it's kinda a big deal with Mayor Sam readers...and now, the whole community is calling me and emailing me with stuff from Glassell Park, Linclon Hts, Boyle Hts., Venice..YOU GOTTA READ THIS MAYOR SAM STORY ON BRADLEY, PAULA, MARK of METRO/PROH-LA and the "In Cahoots Crew". The curtain has been pulled back, Carol, and no one is looking at the fake image of OZ on the screen anymore.
Man, is this uncomfortable.
So at least this topic will have some awarness raised, and hopefully we can improve the system. Personally, I think the people who run the system are well aware of the problem, because it has been brought to their attention before. But maybe this time, there is enough public attention that they will have to clear back the brush a bit.
Go to Zuma's ZAP Blog (Join ZAP) for way more information on the entire NC system cahootsim
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
With No Election In Two Years, Is LINCOLN HEIGHTS Going To Be Decertified As Political Payback For Community Protest Against Memorial in PUBLIC PARK?
Thanks to former LHNC member who contacted ZAP (Zuma’s Activist Program) with concerns (hopes actually) that the City is getting ready to pull the plug and decertify the NC.
First of all…did you know that 16 years olds can vote as stakeholders in some NCs, like LHNC? Elections are held at the Abraham Lincoln School, so kids can vote. (Maybe so parents can have their kids vote for them? (Fun for the whole family!)
I am told even a nine year old vote was allowed to vote in the last election! Some stake those 9-16 year olds must have on planning and land use issues?
People in Linclon Heights are receiving calls in Spanish inviting people to come to Thursday’s NC meeting because they were afraid of funding being cut off and decertified.
We felt that outreach wasn’t done in AIDS memorial in Lincoln park, we didn’t feel the park should be used for a memorial. From that day on its been a battle to keep LPNC a part of the area.
The political payback for the possible decertification aaaaaall goes back about four years ago. There was a The Wall/Las Memorias (Aids Memorial) presentation given to the community at LHNC.
Some NC members protested. Sierra Club did too, stating that parks are not supposed to be used for political memorials.
So what was behind the AIDS memorial in a public park?
Senator Gil Cedillo gave about $1 million of Senate funding for completion of the memorial.
The community fought, feeling the park was not the right venue.
Former NC member says, “We didn’t know how big of a fight we were in for.” (Laughing reflectively)
The Wall Memorial people got involved in helping their own supporters get voted onto NC.
Even though many were Highland Park residents -- they were bussed in (carpooled actually) by The Wall/Las Memorias Organization to the NC elections.
The caravan was organized by a former field deputy for Art Snyder, Richard Zaldivar (to bus/carpool them in.) This was the previous election. In the last election, they had the organization had a booth set up right across the street from the high school, close enough to be yelling at people across the street.
There is a revolving group of cronies that go from one NC to the next - - because there is no way to verify who is voting where? You can qualify as a stakeholder in many different areas.
Your residence, work, school, organizations...just about anything will make you a stakeholder and there is no verification. I can say I am part of the Rotary Club…are they gonna call the Rotary club and verify?
There is a constitutional issue. You should have to be a citizen to vote. There is assumed English proficiency with residence, and age requirement of 18. These are basic constitutional issues. We’ve always said you must be an 18 year old citizen/resident. And what about felons? They can’t vote in elections, and this is a City agency. So the same criterion shoud be followed. Saying it’s a quasi-organization does not cut it when you are going into land planning issues. This has direct impact. If they are going there, then proper criterion should be used.
Before the last election it was assumed that you had to be 18. But last election, even a nine year old was allowed to vote. So, new bylaw says 16 is minimum. But that doesn’t make sense.
Shirley Fierro, of LHNC, is getting paid (under contract for $1500) to put up ribbons on trees on Broadway during major holidays. That’s an Arts Issue...you have to go through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Council for that approval? Did you? And why are you spending NC money to tie ribbons around trees and parades. I thought the money was to inform the community of what the local government was doing…local outreach of information as to what is being done in your area. New sewer project, highway project, park, whatever. That’s what the money is supposed to be for. Not for things that get funding elsewhere This is not supposed to go to non-profit groups. Most of the people who work for DONE probably make more than the annual budget? ($50,000 a year)
And they use the money to do parades, shindigs, ribbon tyings…it’s all political promotion. That’s all it is.
Back to Mayor Sam's Blog
Back to Zuma Dogg's Blog
Contact ZAP (Zuma's Activst Program): ZumaDogg@gmail.com
Thanks to former LHNC member who contacted ZAP (Zuma’s Activist Program) with concerns (hopes actually) that the City is getting ready to pull the plug and decertify the NC.
First of all…did you know that 16 years olds can vote as stakeholders in some NCs, like LHNC? Elections are held at the Abraham Lincoln School, so kids can vote. (Maybe so parents can have their kids vote for them? (Fun for the whole family!)
I am told even a nine year old vote was allowed to vote in the last election! Some stake those 9-16 year olds must have on planning and land use issues?
People in Linclon Heights are receiving calls in Spanish inviting people to come to Thursday’s NC meeting because they were afraid of funding being cut off and decertified.
We felt that outreach wasn’t done in AIDS memorial in Lincoln park, we didn’t feel the park should be used for a memorial. From that day on its been a battle to keep LPNC a part of the area.
The political payback for the possible decertification aaaaaall goes back about four years ago. There was a The Wall/Las Memorias (Aids Memorial) presentation given to the community at LHNC.
Some NC members protested. Sierra Club did too, stating that parks are not supposed to be used for political memorials.
So what was behind the AIDS memorial in a public park?
Senator Gil Cedillo gave about $1 million of Senate funding for completion of the memorial.
The community fought, feeling the park was not the right venue.
Former NC member says, “We didn’t know how big of a fight we were in for.” (Laughing reflectively)
The Wall Memorial people got involved in helping their own supporters get voted onto NC.
Even though many were Highland Park residents -- they were bussed in (carpooled actually) by The Wall/Las Memorias Organization to the NC elections.
The caravan was organized by a former field deputy for Art Snyder, Richard Zaldivar (to bus/carpool them in.) This was the previous election. In the last election, they had the organization had a booth set up right across the street from the high school, close enough to be yelling at people across the street.
There is a revolving group of cronies that go from one NC to the next - - because there is no way to verify who is voting where? You can qualify as a stakeholder in many different areas.
Your residence, work, school, organizations...just about anything will make you a stakeholder and there is no verification. I can say I am part of the Rotary Club…are they gonna call the Rotary club and verify?
There is a constitutional issue. You should have to be a citizen to vote. There is assumed English proficiency with residence, and age requirement of 18. These are basic constitutional issues. We’ve always said you must be an 18 year old citizen/resident. And what about felons? They can’t vote in elections, and this is a City agency. So the same criterion shoud be followed. Saying it’s a quasi-organization does not cut it when you are going into land planning issues. This has direct impact. If they are going there, then proper criterion should be used.
Before the last election it was assumed that you had to be 18. But last election, even a nine year old was allowed to vote. So, new bylaw says 16 is minimum. But that doesn’t make sense.
Shirley Fierro, of LHNC, is getting paid (under contract for $1500) to put up ribbons on trees on Broadway during major holidays. That’s an Arts Issue...you have to go through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Council for that approval? Did you? And why are you spending NC money to tie ribbons around trees and parades. I thought the money was to inform the community of what the local government was doing…local outreach of information as to what is being done in your area. New sewer project, highway project, park, whatever. That’s what the money is supposed to be for. Not for things that get funding elsewhere This is not supposed to go to non-profit groups. Most of the people who work for DONE probably make more than the annual budget? ($50,000 a year)
And they use the money to do parades, shindigs, ribbon tyings…it’s all political promotion. That’s all it is.
Back to Mayor Sam's Blog
Back to Zuma Dogg's Blog
Contact ZAP (Zuma's Activst Program): ZumaDogg@gmail.com
(Sounds like she has become what she once fought against. See below)
Paula Bagaso, PhD, also known sometimes as Paula Y. Bagaso used to work for Bill Clinton, during the good old days as his Head of Information Techonology. I'm sure that comes in handy at her "Global-Knowledge" guerilla-research firm. [Like Fed-EX, when you absolutley, positively have to have your opposition research, overnight.]
Paula Bagaso said…There are other creative Web-based approaches to time. Paula Bagasao, 51, president and CEO of Global Knowledge Services, uses the Web to make more time. Her company, based in Los Angeles, offers "rapid-research services" for information-hungry companies.
"Clients often come to me needing information immediately," she explains. "The only way to do that is to work all night long."
But instead of hiring people who are willing to work through the night, Bagasao has managed to build a network of researchers on the East Coast, on the West Coast, and in the Philippines. Her firm's project schedules follow the sun, so her clients receive the information that they request faster than they would otherwise. "The Internet lets you work with really good people while crossing boundaries of time and geography," she says. "I could not have done that 10 years ago."
She's given a lot of money to Senators and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and fought to have the GPNC ballot printed in Tagalong/Philpino. [See Below]
Paula Bagasao sits on Glassell Park NC, is part of PROH-LA, and is co-founder and president of Global Knowledge Services, Inc., a small business firm providing research and strategy services to private and public sector organizations. Previously, she served as Director for Information Technology Research at the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute in 1999 and before that, in the Clinton Administration, first in the White House and then at US Agency for International Development Dr. Bagasao has an extensive background in education, research, science and technology.
GKS, Inc was founded in 1998 by Paula Y. Bagasao and Brad J. Bagasao, who serve as the senior research principals for the Company. Trained long and hard as able and credible social, political, economic and human services researchers -- both of us know how important good research is...(end of free story access)- Paula Y. Bagasao
Even though it's called PROH-LA (as in "Pro Hills LA") Bagasao is a nationally known fighter against oak trees in San Fransico, too! Even NEW YORK TIMES picked up on her compassionate activism for property owner "rights".
January 30, 2006
The New York Times
By Patricia Leigh Brown
New Laws Crack Down on Urban Paul Bunyans
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29 2006
The tree wars seem likely to escalate along with stricter tree laws. In Los Angeles, for instance, the City Council is about to consider an amendment to the city's oak tree ordinance, which protects native oaks at least eight inches in diameter. The expanded ordinance would include three other species - black walnuts, California sycamores and bay laurels - and protect more trees by reducing the diameter of a landmark tree to four inches.
Most notably, violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and, in extreme cases, have their building permit withheld for up to 10 years. The ordinance, moreover, would require developers to get a permit to knock down protected trees and replace them with new trees at a ratio of at least 2 to 1.
Paula Bagasao, co-founder of Proh-LA, a group dedicated to protecting property rights on hillsides, especially vacant lots, called the ordinance "a backyard building moratorium" that would delay projects and add unnecessary costs. She finds the inclusion of black walnut trees particularly irksome.
"These nuts fall all over East L.A., sending up all this black stuff and giving birth to little walnut trees," she said. "The nuts fall on peoples' heads at parties. The walnut tree is not an endangered species." - Paula Bagasa
Back to Mayor Sam
(Sounds like she has become what she once fought against. See below)
Paula Bagaso, PhD, also known sometimes as Paula Y. Bagaso used to work for Bill Clinton, during the good old days as his Head of Information Techonology. I'm sure that comes in handy at her "Global-Knowledge" guerilla-research firm. [Like Fed-EX, when you absolutley, positively have to have your opposition research, overnight.]
Paula Bagaso said…There are other creative Web-based approaches to time. Paula Bagasao, 51, president and CEO of Global Knowledge Services, uses the Web to make more time. Her company, based in Los Angeles, offers "rapid-research services" for information-hungry companies.
"Clients often come to me needing information immediately," she explains. "The only way to do that is to work all night long."
But instead of hiring people who are willing to work through the night, Bagasao has managed to build a network of researchers on the East Coast, on the West Coast, and in the Philippines. Her firm's project schedules follow the sun, so her clients receive the information that they request faster than they would otherwise. "The Internet lets you work with really good people while crossing boundaries of time and geography," she says. "I could not have done that 10 years ago."
She's given a lot of money to Senators and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and fought to have the GPNC ballot printed in Tagalong/Philpino. [See Below]
Paula Bagasao sits on Glassell Park NC, is part of PROH-LA, and is co-founder and president of Global Knowledge Services, Inc., a small business firm providing research and strategy services to private and public sector organizations. Previously, she served as Director for Information Technology Research at the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute in 1999 and before that, in the Clinton Administration, first in the White House and then at US Agency for International Development Dr. Bagasao has an extensive background in education, research, science and technology.
GKS, Inc was founded in 1998 by Paula Y. Bagasao and Brad J. Bagasao, who serve as the senior research principals for the Company. Trained long and hard as able and credible social, political, economic and human services researchers -- both of us know how important good research is...(end of free story access)- Paula Y. Bagasao
Even though it's called PROH-LA (as in "Pro Hills LA") Bagasao is a nationally known fighter against oak trees in San Fransico, too! Even NEW YORK TIMES picked up on her compassionate activism for property owner "rights".
January 30, 2006
The New York Times
By Patricia Leigh Brown
New Laws Crack Down on Urban Paul Bunyans
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29 2006
The tree wars seem likely to escalate along with stricter tree laws. In Los Angeles, for instance, the City Council is about to consider an amendment to the city's oak tree ordinance, which protects native oaks at least eight inches in diameter. The expanded ordinance would include three other species - black walnuts, California sycamores and bay laurels - and protect more trees by reducing the diameter of a landmark tree to four inches.
Most notably, violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and, in extreme cases, have their building permit withheld for up to 10 years. The ordinance, moreover, would require developers to get a permit to knock down protected trees and replace them with new trees at a ratio of at least 2 to 1.
Paula Bagasao, co-founder of Proh-LA, a group dedicated to protecting property rights on hillsides, especially vacant lots, called the ordinance "a backyard building moratorium" that would delay projects and add unnecessary costs. She finds the inclusion of black walnut trees particularly irksome.
"These nuts fall all over East L.A., sending up all this black stuff and giving birth to little walnut trees," she said. "The nuts fall on peoples' heads at parties. The walnut tree is not an endangered species." - Paula Bagasa
Back to Mayor Sam
CD 14 "Hillside Development" Community Forum Moved from Friday to Monday: Please Make A Note (of the disenfranchisement)

Shady NCs Story on Mayor Sam (Read Mayor Sam Story and see if you feel this is related?)
Oh no...cancel the babysitter, change your plans -- and make NEW ones, all over for Monday, and hope they don't change the date again. (I already blew my time and money to attend the Boyle Hts NC meeting last week, only to have certain supporters of certain people NOT show up, cause a few of those folks the crybabies claim don't want to participate, were actually participating -- and showed up to be sworn in. So of course they didn't have a quorum! I'm glad they moved this meeting, though. Maybe it shows they are trying to figure out a new strategy. Cause they need one. Thanks!
FROM ZD's ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program) INBOX:
It looks like the date and venue changed for the community forum to discuss hillside development issues. It was supposed to take place on Friday. Very suspicious timing if you ask me.
"Due to suggestions from the community"
Hmm... Suppose this has anything to do with the Pandora's Box Bradley opened last week?
Anyway, here's the email from The Eagle Rock Association (TERA): (DONE's newly appointed head -- Carol Baker Tharp's husband's Group) --
Due to suggestions from the community, CD 14 has moved the forum from a Friday evening to a Monday evening. Please help us spread the word about his change.
Monday June 25, 2007
Glassell Park Community & Senior Center
3750 Verdugo Road, Los Angeles, CA 90065 (park in rear past gate)
(From Blogger/AFI/Pixelodeon INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in Downtown LA this weekend) Zuma's Blog for more info
[ZAPPERS or Opponents wanting to clarify on either issue: Leave a comment here and it will email it to me (but it won't appear here). Or email zumadogg@gmail.com. Post comments you want to appear at back to Mayor Sam's Blog]
Sunday, June 3, 2007
***** UPDATE *****
* ZD - You have to look into this guy Bradley. Check out the grievances filed against him.
ZD said...Looks like I didn't have to. Looks like y'all already know what time it is...and now, so does glASSell Park NC!
Click Here For Revealing Comments
Back to Mayor Sam's Blog
Zuma's Blog
Zuma Dogg
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
* ZD - You have to look into this guy Bradley. Check out the grievances filed against him.
ZD said...Looks like I didn't have to. Looks like y'all already know what time it is...and now, so does glASSell Park NC!
Click Here For Revealing Comments
Back to Mayor Sam's Blog
Zuma's Blog
Zuma Dogg
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
An email from Daily News' Kerry Cavanaugh regarding DWP's 5-year, billion dollar "Power Relaibility" upgrade program sent a few emails into ZD's email inbox.
Here's how it all went down. The original email from Kerry to Soledad S. Garcia, Vice Chair of Neighborhood Council & Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Oversight Committee (an Assembly of Elected Neighborhood Council) that sent a few more emails from concerned citizens into ZAP (Zuma's Activist Plan) Headquarters inbox. (Thanks to the "heads up" ZAPPERs who sent along all the feedback!)
On Thu, 31 May 2007 Kerry Cavanaugh writes...
Hello Soledad,
I'm a reporter with the LA Daily News and I'm writing about the DWP's Power Reliability Program, a $1 billion, 5-year plan to upgrade the power system.
Have you heard about this? What do you think about this effort?
Kerry Cavanaugh
Daily News Staff Writer
From: Soledad Garcia
To: Kerry Cavanaugh
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 12:29:57 -0700
Subject: Re: DWP power
Hi Kerry,
Yes, the plan is for more than a $billion for 40 -70 years of deferred maintenance. The City of Los Angeles deserves to have the power system continuously upgraded. We have many years of wear that require newer replacements to meet the impact of greater demands and withstand emergencies.
On May 29, 2007, the DWP staff presented a modified power point 07-08 Budget review. Included in that review was the projected O/M and Capital costs for power reliability/infrastructure.
Although LADWP has 416 pages power point budget information on the Department's website, I did only selective reading. Power Reliability is in the 6th Part of the PPT. The Budget as presented there is complex, bulky and requires two Ph.D. degrees in accounting. A simplified presentation of monies in, monies out would allow some of us non CPA or Audit Specialists to read and understand better.
There will be additional Outreach by DWP on the Budget throughout the City and to the Oversight Committee and Congress, after the June 5th DWP Board of Commissioners' approval.
Soledad S. Garcia
Fr: Daniel Wiseman
Soledad & Kerry....
As Soledad did, I have just reviewed the several hundred "pictures" offered by the DWP as its public presentation of its FY2007-2008 Budget.
The biggest fault is that it is just pictures and not an itemized and indexed budget.
The second most obvious deficiency is the COMPLETE absence of numbers as to the present and proposed rates for water, electricity, sewers/garbage-collection and TAXES. These make up the bill each household and each commercial building receives as their L.A. Municipal Services bill every two months.
The NC-DWP MOU was created because of a general public concern for an hastily announced and very large increase in water rates. The DWP has submerged its intentions and proposals for rate increases in its last several budgets ... and this one is no exception.
The NC-DWP MOU2 which was just put into effect requires that thorough informed consent is provided in adequate time for the NCs to consider major changes ... that includes "trunk-line" plans and rate changes.
The first item on the DWPs FY2007-2008 plan is to "work with NCs to provide better public understanding and compliance with rate changes."
Effective steps for the DWP to carry out this goal is
not in evidence, yet.
It is now time for:
1. TRANSPARENCY in the process of DWP decisions … on what data and with what logic do they base their recommendations.
2. SPECIFICS as to the effects of DWP decisions on their customers … what new services?, what improved methods?, what specific Operations & Maintenance Costs (separated from the costs of DWP Administration and
working staff which is over 70% of total expenditures)? … and, most of all, what will it cost us? (rates to the consumer).
3. CONSISTENT INTEGRITY to stick to their promises and explain BOTH achievements and deficiencies of the delivery of their services.
Doesn’t the Los Angeles Citizen deserve to be treated in this way?
Isn’t it the “job” of the NCs to point out when we are treated well and when we are not?
Having said this about DWP – what about the “other” 44 City Departments?
This is my response to Kerry Cavanaugh and my hope that more NC Activists and … Saints preserve us … some L.A. City Councilmembers will get involved, too.
Daniel Wiseman
Fr: Anonymous
Re: Follow up to Dr. Wiseman,
“After the June 5th DWP Board of Commissioners' approval.”
I think this is the key sentence in this exchange. June 5th is this Tuesday.
It would appear that the DWP Board see's this budget approval, as a fait accompli, and are not too motivated to include the community, as represenated by, individual NC's or lanccongress, or e-correspondents, as, much of an area of concern.
With little real board or stakeholder involvement within their communities concerning educating their stakeholders in areas of water & power, and evolving educating on energy/conservation in the schools, particularly highs and colleges, and other aspects like local/global control of CO2, and managing renewable energy sources, gasless transportation, or ,substantially, improving the overall Energy and Water infrastructure, it should be no surprise that DWP pays little more, then lip service, to us all.
I suspect, they see any failure to get the rate increases, they choose to justify, as having the impact of delaying, or replacing most all, but; the most critical of the current service network, and paying for the PR to placate their rate payers, and setting aside the Dollars needed to be passed along to placate the government's elected reps, personal; and political concerns.
When, they sent their representatives to the local NC meeting, more then a few years or so ago, after the NC DWP MOU signing, they were mainly interested in how the community might help them use non-potable water, to water adopted 'on ramps' , and golf courses. The DWP reps got time off, to come to NC meetings.
There were few NC stakeholders or board members there that were even interested in that. And, that, was just a exploratory meeting with no follow up to my knowledge; no stakeholder committee, beyond a now out of office NC Board VP, for instance, to follow up, even on that.
I proposed, as a stakeholder, more then 5 years ago, pulling together and articulating training both academic and skills, programs in the new school(s), making it well known to the councilman's office, and family NC's, lanccongress & to the LAUSD OUTREACH & DISTRICT & new school committee building the new high schools in the area, and making it known to the wife of the now, President of the local Community college, and the Mayor of the Community surrounded by LA schools. I followed through any and everywhere I could, spent $2,000 to meet people from across the country making it happen, and continue to make contact with them.( and endorse them>)( They are doing it.!!!!!!!!!)
I offered contacts with organizations prepared to help with this, who, have proven track records of achieving the vision, I was encouraging; and, had received part of the proposal, from a Director of the Tom Bradley legacy FUND 503c1, who, was offering $25K seed money to get the ball rolling.
I went so far as to offer to pass along these contacts to a new high school to be open with Environmentalism, as a theme, only to be rebuffed by its, Principal.
We talked to the local council person, at the time, now a Senator, and the Senator he replaced, who was supportive; and of lso, adding into a new school to a fire academy training program to be co-located next to a new fire station and a new fire personnel training facility.
I researched and found LAUSD had used, that, as an example; when, proposing the school, but they have all been disbursed to other assignments, without leaving a forwarding address, or referrals, to, those who replace them.
No matter with LAUSD, it is common practice to ignore any comments, but their own, and to forget promises made, to get what they want.
They hold their monopoly power close, to them and the union.
I passed this along to LAUSD Reps at the level of my contact. We proposed articulating a environmental academy at the high school, and college; and at the Lopez Canyon land fill , (tied to Renew LA, Sunshine Canyon closing and of the land fill across from DWP facility, to be redone as a High by Poly High.) Articulating coursework to create career paths, through to Emerging Environmental Economics at CSUN.
Tony Cardenas has considered a variety of options, across from Poly and DWP, I am unaware, or can't remember, the latest.
While, I got positive response, I heard in the past 3 days, that, without any significant, as far as I have heard, community input; the current Council person. alarcon, intends to use the Lopez Canyon site for an extended pocket park.
While, at the same time moneys that were commonly expected and arranged, to help complete the children's museum, as envisioned by the last council person, are, now in dispute with it 1/2 completed lacking funds to be fully completed, I have heard.
This with NC's, that endorsed the Children's Museum, recanting on details of the dollars, to be used from LOPEZ Canyon funds.
I, further, had asked the current Council persons office, to cross political boundaries to coordinate a more hope-ful and complete program for the homeless by endorsing the opening Of Union Rescue Mission Hope Gardens ( with an already invested $7 million sitting in limbo, a million dollars in legal costs already having had to be committed, to get what they had been promised----and are, now, being played with by county planning, and Commisioner Antonovich's & the Suprevisor's offices, that, the old City Council office, Padilla's office, was well aware of, and had coordinated with, on this, when they ( Union Rescue) were paying to do "due diligence."
And, I was, asking before ,he was elected, if, he, the new council person, could assist in coordinating improvements in the Temporary services offered under contract by the County Dept of Homeless on Arroyo ( spitting distance from Hope Gardens), by looking into, & intervening to make better use of, all, of these funds.
His rep, said, Essentially, "send it through the NC's, and, we might listen", but "county city boundaries c/would be a stumbling block."
I was using the Tony Cardena's Ad Hoc Gang Commitee kick off meeting, where; they had everyone crossing, all barriers on the way to multi- millions to billions to fight gangs in LA, as an example, of getting things done across boundaries.
While, at the same time, I was suggesting more & better coordinated city, and LAUSD entrepreneurial, and skills training might alleviate both problems, gangs, and education and skills training.
We had a charter school, aleady, ready, to go into Hope Gardens to take kids, who,. are now in unsafe trailers and conditions on 3rd street, that, we wanted to put in charter classrooms in this bucolic setting, with teachers, from an ackowledged California Distinguished School , prepared to teach them.
We wanted them to be able to take field trips to the "Childrens Museum's Environmentally Themed Museum, use the Green Library next door, and, later, to become docents and serve as mentors, and; to carry that theme through their high school and college skills educations, working with 21st and 22nd waste mangement practices, at these locationsl and with Renew LA as "living" labs." in a practical emerging environmentalism future.
But, the new council person, heard, non of this from the old, and; is announcing a extension of a existing pocket park,up the hill to the topped off land fill, rather; then, any overt education program and facility on environmentalism, as, we had envisioned and discussed.
No one in the community, to my knowledge, was even asked about his plan, for parks but I was told by Waste Mangement personnel, he had family working it when it was open so he feels comfortable with its' history .
Till, all these entities, start really working together effectively and effeciently, rather, then ad hoc'edly, I suspect; we are going to see 'less then' effective planning, and actions to carry us into a fully coordinated future, successfully, and less expensively.
We will always be playing 'catch up' with 'under- budgeted' efforts, pre approved by Commissions.
WHEN, WILL WE LEARN ?????????????????????????
Mistakes are opportunities to learn, and e mails are just to placate ourselves, lip service is come by, putting yourself in their presence MOMENTARILY, but PROMISES ARE quickly forgotten.
Here's how it all went down. The original email from Kerry to Soledad S. Garcia, Vice Chair of Neighborhood Council & Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Oversight Committee (an Assembly of Elected Neighborhood Council) that sent a few more emails from concerned citizens into ZAP (Zuma's Activist Plan) Headquarters inbox. (Thanks to the "heads up" ZAPPERs who sent along all the feedback!)
On Thu, 31 May 2007 Kerry Cavanaugh writes...
Hello Soledad,
I'm a reporter with the LA Daily News and I'm writing about the DWP's Power Reliability Program, a $1 billion, 5-year plan to upgrade the power system.
Have you heard about this? What do you think about this effort?
Kerry Cavanaugh
Daily News Staff Writer
From: Soledad Garcia
To: Kerry Cavanaugh
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 12:29:57 -0700
Subject: Re: DWP power
Hi Kerry,
Yes, the plan is for more than a $billion for 40 -70 years of deferred maintenance. The City of Los Angeles deserves to have the power system continuously upgraded. We have many years of wear that require newer replacements to meet the impact of greater demands and withstand emergencies.
On May 29, 2007, the DWP staff presented a modified power point 07-08 Budget review. Included in that review was the projected O/M and Capital costs for power reliability/infrastructure.
Although LADWP has 416 pages power point budget information on the Department's website, I did only selective reading. Power Reliability is in the 6th Part of the PPT. The Budget as presented there is complex, bulky and requires two Ph.D. degrees in accounting. A simplified presentation of monies in, monies out would allow some of us non CPA or Audit Specialists to read and understand better.
There will be additional Outreach by DWP on the Budget throughout the City and to the Oversight Committee and Congress, after the June 5th DWP Board of Commissioners' approval.
Soledad S. Garcia
Fr: Daniel Wiseman
Soledad & Kerry....
As Soledad did, I have just reviewed the several hundred "pictures" offered by the DWP as its public presentation of its FY2007-2008 Budget.
The biggest fault is that it is just pictures and not an itemized and indexed budget.
The second most obvious deficiency is the COMPLETE absence of numbers as to the present and proposed rates for water, electricity, sewers/garbage-collection and TAXES. These make up the bill each household and each commercial building receives as their L.A. Municipal Services bill every two months.
The NC-DWP MOU was created because of a general public concern for an hastily announced and very large increase in water rates. The DWP has submerged its intentions and proposals for rate increases in its last several budgets ... and this one is no exception.
The NC-DWP MOU2 which was just put into effect requires that thorough informed consent is provided in adequate time for the NCs to consider major changes ... that includes "trunk-line" plans and rate changes.
The first item on the DWPs FY2007-2008 plan is to "work with NCs to provide better public understanding and compliance with rate changes."
Effective steps for the DWP to carry out this goal is
not in evidence, yet.
It is now time for:
1. TRANSPARENCY in the process of DWP decisions … on what data and with what logic do they base their recommendations.
2. SPECIFICS as to the effects of DWP decisions on their customers … what new services?, what improved methods?, what specific Operations & Maintenance Costs (separated from the costs of DWP Administration and
working staff which is over 70% of total expenditures)? … and, most of all, what will it cost us? (rates to the consumer).
3. CONSISTENT INTEGRITY to stick to their promises and explain BOTH achievements and deficiencies of the delivery of their services.
Doesn’t the Los Angeles Citizen deserve to be treated in this way?
Isn’t it the “job” of the NCs to point out when we are treated well and when we are not?
Having said this about DWP – what about the “other” 44 City Departments?
This is my response to Kerry Cavanaugh and my hope that more NC Activists and … Saints preserve us … some L.A. City Councilmembers will get involved, too.
Daniel Wiseman
Fr: Anonymous
Re: Follow up to Dr. Wiseman,
“After the June 5th DWP Board of Commissioners' approval.”
I think this is the key sentence in this exchange. June 5th is this Tuesday.
It would appear that the DWP Board see's this budget approval, as a fait accompli, and are not too motivated to include the community, as represenated by, individual NC's or lanccongress, or e-correspondents, as, much of an area of concern.
With little real board or stakeholder involvement within their communities concerning educating their stakeholders in areas of water & power, and evolving educating on energy/conservation in the schools, particularly highs and colleges, and other aspects like local/global control of CO2, and managing renewable energy sources, gasless transportation, or ,substantially, improving the overall Energy and Water infrastructure, it should be no surprise that DWP pays little more, then lip service, to us all.
I suspect, they see any failure to get the rate increases, they choose to justify, as having the impact of delaying, or replacing most all, but; the most critical of the current service network, and paying for the PR to placate their rate payers, and setting aside the Dollars needed to be passed along to placate the government's elected reps, personal; and political concerns.
When, they sent their representatives to the local NC meeting, more then a few years or so ago, after the NC DWP MOU signing, they were mainly interested in how the community might help them use non-potable water, to water adopted 'on ramps' , and golf courses. The DWP reps got time off, to come to NC meetings.
There were few NC stakeholders or board members there that were even interested in that. And, that, was just a exploratory meeting with no follow up to my knowledge; no stakeholder committee, beyond a now out of office NC Board VP, for instance, to follow up, even on that.
I proposed, as a stakeholder, more then 5 years ago, pulling together and articulating training both academic and skills, programs in the new school(s), making it well known to the councilman's office, and family NC's, lanccongress & to the LAUSD OUTREACH & DISTRICT & new school committee building the new high schools in the area, and making it known to the wife of the now, President of the local Community college, and the Mayor of the Community surrounded by LA schools. I followed through any and everywhere I could, spent $2,000 to meet people from across the country making it happen, and continue to make contact with them.( and endorse them>)( They are doing it.!!!!!!!!!)
I offered contacts with organizations prepared to help with this, who, have proven track records of achieving the vision, I was encouraging; and, had received part of the proposal, from a Director of the Tom Bradley legacy FUND 503c1, who, was offering $25K seed money to get the ball rolling.
I went so far as to offer to pass along these contacts to a new high school to be open with Environmentalism, as a theme, only to be rebuffed by its, Principal.
We talked to the local council person, at the time, now a Senator, and the Senator he replaced, who was supportive; and of lso, adding into a new school to a fire academy training program to be co-located next to a new fire station and a new fire personnel training facility.
I researched and found LAUSD had used, that, as an example; when, proposing the school, but they have all been disbursed to other assignments, without leaving a forwarding address, or referrals, to, those who replace them.
No matter with LAUSD, it is common practice to ignore any comments, but their own, and to forget promises made, to get what they want.
They hold their monopoly power close, to them and the union.
I passed this along to LAUSD Reps at the level of my contact. We proposed articulating a environmental academy at the high school, and college; and at the Lopez Canyon land fill , (tied to Renew LA, Sunshine Canyon closing and of the land fill across from DWP facility, to be redone as a High by Poly High.) Articulating coursework to create career paths, through to Emerging Environmental Economics at CSUN.
Tony Cardenas has considered a variety of options, across from Poly and DWP, I am unaware, or can't remember, the latest.
While, I got positive response, I heard in the past 3 days, that, without any significant, as far as I have heard, community input; the current Council person. alarcon, intends to use the Lopez Canyon site for an extended pocket park.
While, at the same time moneys that were commonly expected and arranged, to help complete the children's museum, as envisioned by the last council person, are, now in dispute with it 1/2 completed lacking funds to be fully completed, I have heard.
This with NC's, that endorsed the Children's Museum, recanting on details of the dollars, to be used from LOPEZ Canyon funds.
I, further, had asked the current Council persons office, to cross political boundaries to coordinate a more hope-ful and complete program for the homeless by endorsing the opening Of Union Rescue Mission Hope Gardens ( with an already invested $7 million sitting in limbo, a million dollars in legal costs already having had to be committed, to get what they had been promised----and are, now, being played with by county planning, and Commisioner Antonovich's & the Suprevisor's offices, that, the old City Council office, Padilla's office, was well aware of, and had coordinated with, on this, when they ( Union Rescue) were paying to do "due diligence."
And, I was, asking before ,he was elected, if, he, the new council person, could assist in coordinating improvements in the Temporary services offered under contract by the County Dept of Homeless on Arroyo ( spitting distance from Hope Gardens), by looking into, & intervening to make better use of, all, of these funds.
His rep, said, Essentially, "send it through the NC's, and, we might listen", but "county city boundaries c/would be a stumbling block."
I was using the Tony Cardena's Ad Hoc Gang Commitee kick off meeting, where; they had everyone crossing, all barriers on the way to multi- millions to billions to fight gangs in LA, as an example, of getting things done across boundaries.
While, at the same time, I was suggesting more & better coordinated city, and LAUSD entrepreneurial, and skills training might alleviate both problems, gangs, and education and skills training.
We had a charter school, aleady, ready, to go into Hope Gardens to take kids, who,. are now in unsafe trailers and conditions on 3rd street, that, we wanted to put in charter classrooms in this bucolic setting, with teachers, from an ackowledged California Distinguished School , prepared to teach them.
We wanted them to be able to take field trips to the "Childrens Museum's Environmentally Themed Museum, use the Green Library next door, and, later, to become docents and serve as mentors, and; to carry that theme through their high school and college skills educations, working with 21st and 22nd waste mangement practices, at these locationsl and with Renew LA as "living" labs." in a practical emerging environmentalism future.
But, the new council person, heard, non of this from the old, and; is announcing a extension of a existing pocket park,up the hill to the topped off land fill, rather; then, any overt education program and facility on environmentalism, as, we had envisioned and discussed.
No one in the community, to my knowledge, was even asked about his plan, for parks but I was told by Waste Mangement personnel, he had family working it when it was open so he feels comfortable with its' history .
Till, all these entities, start really working together effectively and effeciently, rather, then ad hoc'edly, I suspect; we are going to see 'less then' effective planning, and actions to carry us into a fully coordinated future, successfully, and less expensively.
We will always be playing 'catch up' with 'under- budgeted' efforts, pre approved by Commissions.
WHEN, WILL WE LEARN ?????????????????????????
Mistakes are opportunities to learn, and e mails are just to placate ourselves, lip service is come by, putting yourself in their presence MOMENTARILY, but PROMISES ARE quickly forgotten.
Friday, June 1, 2007
More Antonio Villaraigosa City Hall coverage at Mayor Sam's Sister City blog
L.A. mayor's smooth ride has gotten bumpier
A park melee, a schools snub and other setbacks slow Villaraigosa's midterm momentum.
Cast your own vote on his office record so far. Full LA Times Story and cast your vote
By Duke Helfand, Times Staff Writer
June 1, 2007
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa soared through his first year in office on a wave of public support that made him a daunting political force almost destined for higher office.
But a recent rough patch has raised questions about whether he has lost some of that early luster.
The courts snubbed Villaraigosa's plan to gain significant control over Los Angeles public schools. Chicago inched out L.A. for a chance to bid for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.
A police riot squad beat immigrant-rights marchers and journalists in MacArthur Park last month, prompting the mayor to cut short a highly promoted trip to Central America.
And last week, Villaraigosa lost an ugly public battle over bus fare increases, and Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials later spoke of delaying several projects because of budget woes, including the mayor's vaunted subway to the sea beneath Wilshire Boulevard.
Now, as Villaraigosa approaches the midpoint of his four-year term, political observers agree that he is scrambling to maintain his initial momentum and deliver tangible results on numerous promises, even as recent events have opened the door to rare public criticism from at least one prominent elected leader: county Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.
Villaraigosa and his senior aides acknowledge the recent disappointments but prefer to see them as minor bumps overshadowed by the mayor's accomplishments on education, public safety, mass transit, the environment and city budgeting. [I'm sure they would prefer to see it that way. So would we. We would prefer to see ONE of these accomplishments. And saying you accomplished it, isn't the accomplishment.]
They say, for example, that he deserves credit for balancing the city's books and dramatically reducing a $295-million structural deficit — by more than $200 million — amid declining revenues. [Yeah, he cut every department except his travel and staff budget.]
They also speak of his successful effort to win an increase in trash collection fees to hire 1,000 additional police officers [You call having to raise fees, for what the city should be providing is successful? Plus, you haven't hired the cops yet, dummy] -- saying the city is well on its way to meeting the goal as the rate of violent crime — including gang homicides — drops. [GOOD! Why don't you take a walk down those streets with the reduced violent crime?]
They single out his efforts this year to tackle gang crime by devoting more money to suppression and prevention programs. [Insert commentary here.]
And they point to Villaraigosa's securing billions of dollars in state bond money for mass transit projects [I thought the voters voted that in, and now it's gonna be bilked by the politicans]— including carpool lanes on the 405 Freeway — and an aggressive expansion of the Department of Water and Power's use of alternative energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [Yeah, he wants to invest people's pension funds -- he calls them "our" pension funds -- into speculative, alternative, niche technology. I am all for the development of these "green" technologies, but City pensions should be invested into something less risky. Leave the gambling to Vegas.]
"The real story here is that we're on track," Villaraigosa said Thursday as he signed his second city budget, which, like his first, won unanimous support from the City Council. [Yeah, he's on track...on the rails of Ozzy's "Crazy Train", if he believes that.]
Villaraigosa and his senior deputies even claim victory on the education front. They argue that, despite successive legal setbacks to his plan to take control of the schools, the mayor has effectively won by elevating the discussion about reforming the Los Angeles Unified School District. ["EVALUATING DISCUSSION" DOES NOT A WINNER MAKE. IT IS ONLY A WIN ONCE THE KIDS BENEFIT.]
With his board majority in hand, Villaraigosa is working behind the scenes to secure many of the reforms he was denied by the courts. [And this means the kids won't win.]
His office is in preliminary talks with Green Dot Public Schools, a prominent charter school operator and a frequent foe of the district, to possibly oversee a high school and the middle and elementary schools that feed it, and to shape a broader reform agenda. [Yeah, let Antonio be involved in Charter reform. SEE SEMILLA STORY ON THIS BLOG to see what can go wrong. That's his district.]
Higher expectations
Villaraigosa's closest allies and associates say he has raised expectations at City Hall and infused local government with a culture that encourages risk taking over fear of failure. He has won praise from many outside of government for his selection of talented general managers and senior staff. [O.K., now the Times can tell Antonio they did the best they could to soften the hit. "Infused" (manage by chaos and fear), risk taking (that's what I said about the pension money), fear of failure (he has no shame, he'll try and get away with anything, then all these judges have to beat him down.]
"This mayor moves the needle by taking on big issues," said City Councilman Jack Weiss, one of his closest allies on the City Council. "Sometimes he succeeds outright…. And other times, he gets results just by taking on the issue itself."
[Oh no...now we all KNOW the mayor is in trouble. They could only get a good quote from Weissass. Yeah, the mayor took on a big issue: You're City Attorney Campaign amidst your re-call campaign, you political kryptonite-anvil.
Other times, however, he alienates fellow leaders in his push to be at the front of the line. {You mean, once he didn't.]
That was the case last week when Villaraigosa and Yaroslavsky, a fellow MTA board member, clashed publicly over a plan to raise bus fares.
During the heated exchange, Yaroslavsky said that Villaraigosa had indicated his support for a fare increase in a closed session last summer after the board agreed to a new contract with bus drivers and mechanics.
An angry Villaraigosa criticized Yaroslavsky for mischaracterizing closed-door discussions and for failing to offer his own compromise, calling the supervisor a "sheep who walks in wolf's clothing."
Yaroslavsky declined Thursday to talk about the dust-up.
The exchange was a rare moment for Villaraigosa. Few public figures have been willing to openly criticize him, even as they grouse privately about his penchant for grandstanding. As one City Hall veteran put it: If Yaroslavsky opened the door slightly for others to disparage Villaraigosa, few are willing to walk through it just yet.
And that means Villaraigosa will probably retain his unofficial title as the region's chief political heavyweight heading into the final two years of his first term.
The question, then, is whether he can continue to deliver on his ambitious agenda, given voters' hunger for concrete results.
"It's like the end of halftime at a basketball game. He's had some setbacks at the end of the first half," said Raphael Sonenshein, a professor of political science at Cal State Fullerton who has written extensively about Los Angeles politics.
"He's probably going to be facing harsher evaluations" in the next two years, Sonenshein added. "He'll get less leeway. That's normal when you have a popular start." [Great, so you got the student with all "D"s having added scrutiny placed on him. Ha! The guys a sinking ship. Titanio Villagrosa!
Steve Hymon contributed to this story. [Yeah, the Jack Weiss quote, I bet.]
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
L.A. mayor's smooth ride has gotten bumpier
A park melee, a schools snub and other setbacks slow Villaraigosa's midterm momentum.
Cast your own vote on his office record so far. Full LA Times Story and cast your vote
By Duke Helfand, Times Staff Writer
June 1, 2007
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa soared through his first year in office on a wave of public support that made him a daunting political force almost destined for higher office.
But a recent rough patch has raised questions about whether he has lost some of that early luster.
The courts snubbed Villaraigosa's plan to gain significant control over Los Angeles public schools. Chicago inched out L.A. for a chance to bid for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.
A police riot squad beat immigrant-rights marchers and journalists in MacArthur Park last month, prompting the mayor to cut short a highly promoted trip to Central America.
And last week, Villaraigosa lost an ugly public battle over bus fare increases, and Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials later spoke of delaying several projects because of budget woes, including the mayor's vaunted subway to the sea beneath Wilshire Boulevard.
Now, as Villaraigosa approaches the midpoint of his four-year term, political observers agree that he is scrambling to maintain his initial momentum and deliver tangible results on numerous promises, even as recent events have opened the door to rare public criticism from at least one prominent elected leader: county Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.
Villaraigosa and his senior aides acknowledge the recent disappointments but prefer to see them as minor bumps overshadowed by the mayor's accomplishments on education, public safety, mass transit, the environment and city budgeting. [I'm sure they would prefer to see it that way. So would we. We would prefer to see ONE of these accomplishments. And saying you accomplished it, isn't the accomplishment.]
They say, for example, that he deserves credit for balancing the city's books and dramatically reducing a $295-million structural deficit — by more than $200 million — amid declining revenues. [Yeah, he cut every department except his travel and staff budget.]
They also speak of his successful effort to win an increase in trash collection fees to hire 1,000 additional police officers [You call having to raise fees, for what the city should be providing is successful? Plus, you haven't hired the cops yet, dummy] -- saying the city is well on its way to meeting the goal as the rate of violent crime — including gang homicides — drops. [GOOD! Why don't you take a walk down those streets with the reduced violent crime?]
They single out his efforts this year to tackle gang crime by devoting more money to suppression and prevention programs. [Insert commentary here.]
And they point to Villaraigosa's securing billions of dollars in state bond money for mass transit projects [I thought the voters voted that in, and now it's gonna be bilked by the politicans]— including carpool lanes on the 405 Freeway — and an aggressive expansion of the Department of Water and Power's use of alternative energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [Yeah, he wants to invest people's pension funds -- he calls them "our" pension funds -- into speculative, alternative, niche technology. I am all for the development of these "green" technologies, but City pensions should be invested into something less risky. Leave the gambling to Vegas.]
"The real story here is that we're on track," Villaraigosa said Thursday as he signed his second city budget, which, like his first, won unanimous support from the City Council. [Yeah, he's on track...on the rails of Ozzy's "Crazy Train", if he believes that.]
Villaraigosa and his senior deputies even claim victory on the education front. They argue that, despite successive legal setbacks to his plan to take control of the schools, the mayor has effectively won by elevating the discussion about reforming the Los Angeles Unified School District. ["EVALUATING DISCUSSION" DOES NOT A WINNER MAKE. IT IS ONLY A WIN ONCE THE KIDS BENEFIT.]
With his board majority in hand, Villaraigosa is working behind the scenes to secure many of the reforms he was denied by the courts. [And this means the kids won't win.]
His office is in preliminary talks with Green Dot Public Schools, a prominent charter school operator and a frequent foe of the district, to possibly oversee a high school and the middle and elementary schools that feed it, and to shape a broader reform agenda. [Yeah, let Antonio be involved in Charter reform. SEE SEMILLA STORY ON THIS BLOG to see what can go wrong. That's his district.]
Higher expectations
Villaraigosa's closest allies and associates say he has raised expectations at City Hall and infused local government with a culture that encourages risk taking over fear of failure. He has won praise from many outside of government for his selection of talented general managers and senior staff. [O.K., now the Times can tell Antonio they did the best they could to soften the hit. "Infused" (manage by chaos and fear), risk taking (that's what I said about the pension money), fear of failure (he has no shame, he'll try and get away with anything, then all these judges have to beat him down.]
"This mayor moves the needle by taking on big issues," said City Councilman Jack Weiss, one of his closest allies on the City Council. "Sometimes he succeeds outright…. And other times, he gets results just by taking on the issue itself."
[Oh no...now we all KNOW the mayor is in trouble. They could only get a good quote from Weissass. Yeah, the mayor took on a big issue: You're City Attorney Campaign amidst your re-call campaign, you political kryptonite-anvil.
Other times, however, he alienates fellow leaders in his push to be at the front of the line. {You mean, once he didn't.]
That was the case last week when Villaraigosa and Yaroslavsky, a fellow MTA board member, clashed publicly over a plan to raise bus fares.
During the heated exchange, Yaroslavsky said that Villaraigosa had indicated his support for a fare increase in a closed session last summer after the board agreed to a new contract with bus drivers and mechanics.
An angry Villaraigosa criticized Yaroslavsky for mischaracterizing closed-door discussions and for failing to offer his own compromise, calling the supervisor a "sheep who walks in wolf's clothing."
Yaroslavsky declined Thursday to talk about the dust-up.
The exchange was a rare moment for Villaraigosa. Few public figures have been willing to openly criticize him, even as they grouse privately about his penchant for grandstanding. As one City Hall veteran put it: If Yaroslavsky opened the door slightly for others to disparage Villaraigosa, few are willing to walk through it just yet.
And that means Villaraigosa will probably retain his unofficial title as the region's chief political heavyweight heading into the final two years of his first term.
The question, then, is whether he can continue to deliver on his ambitious agenda, given voters' hunger for concrete results.
"It's like the end of halftime at a basketball game. He's had some setbacks at the end of the first half," said Raphael Sonenshein, a professor of political science at Cal State Fullerton who has written extensively about Los Angeles politics.
"He's probably going to be facing harsher evaluations" in the next two years, Sonenshein added. "He'll get less leeway. That's normal when you have a popular start." [Great, so you got the student with all "D"s having added scrutiny placed on him. Ha! The guys a sinking ship. Titanio Villagrosa!
Steve Hymon contributed to this story. [Yeah, the Jack Weiss quote, I bet.]
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